Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Star Killer Part 10: Full of Lies

(Published on 12. January 2024, 20:00 by FischmitFahrrad)

Standard Star Killer Sudoku rules apply (see below).

Additional constraints on stars:
  • Some of the given clues are lying. Each clue that is affecting at least one cell that contains a star is a lie. If none of these cells is containing a star the clue must be true.
  • Different colored lines are considered as individual clues.
  • The total for all given cages must be deduced by the solver and no cage is a lie (and therefore no cage contains a star).

Additional constraints on digits:
  • Renban: Digits on a purple line form a set of non-repeating consecutive digits in any order.
    Lying Renban: No pair of digits on the renban may be consecutive regardless of their position. Repeated digits are allowed.
  • German Whisper: Adjacent digits on a green line must have a difference of at least 5.
    Lying German Whisper: Adjacent digits along the line must differ by less than 5.
  • Region Sum Line: Digits on a blue line must have the same sum within each 3x3 box the line passes through. Different lines may have different sums.
    Lying Region Sum Line: The sum for each region must be different.
  • Kropki Pairs: Digits separated by a white dot must be consecutive and digits separated by a black dot must be in 2:1 ratio.
    Lying Kropki Pairs: Digits must not be consecutive (or in 2:1 ratio for black dots).

Star Killer Rules:
Place exactly two stars into each row, column and box. Stars may not share an edge (no diagonal constraint!). The number in the top-left corner of a cage (if given) gives you the number of stars, that are outside of the cage and share an edge with that cage.
Digits in a cage do not repeat and sum to the total X. The number in the top-left corner of a cage must be equal to the digit sum of X (e.g. the digit sum of 39 is 12 [3+9]).

Solve online

This puzzle is part of a series consisting of 12 puzzles. The series doesn't necessarily has to be solved in the intended order. If you're willing to attempt the whole series you can find part 1 here.

You can continue with part 11 here.

Solution code: Row 2 from left to right (9 digits).

Last changed on on 16. January 2024, 15:57

Solved by AzureFire, Starlight, CFood, emoney13, jkuo7, ascension, RubberMittens, Da Letter El
Full list


on 14. January 2024, 18:32 by CFood
Another case of missing one crucial line of text. I stared at this for seemingly hours, until I reread the rules again and saw "(and therefore no cage contains a star)". It all flowed from there.

I don't know how I missed that line so many times.

on 13. January 2024, 12:56 by FischmitFahrrad
Added solution checker to the provided links.

Last changed on 13. January 2024, 12:57

on 13. January 2024, 08:41 by Briks
Maybe this one has multiple solutions? My solution doesn't pass. Otherwise I don't see my fault.
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The puzzle should be sufficiently tested. Did you keep in mind, that the lying clues still are restricted or may even be more restricted than their true counterparts?
If you want you can reach out to me on discord (@fischmitfahrrad) and I will take a look at your solution.

Just added the correct solution to Sudokupad maybe that helps as well.

Solved:8 times
Observed:13 times

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