Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Laser Beam

(Published on 9. September 2023, 21:20 by GemmaOane)


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Laser beam: A laser beam is shot from the center diamond (R5C5):
    • If it lands (or starts) on a red diamond, the direction is set according to the digit on the diamond. The digit indicates which diamond in which box is to be aimed at (by the box number). The laser beam then continues in this direction.

      For example, if you aim at box 9 from the diamond in R2C8, the laser beam will land in R5C8, as it is on the way to the diamond in box 9.

    • It is not possible to aim at your own box and the laser beam can only move orthogonally and diagonally (in a straight line).

      For example, it is not allowed to aim from box 1 to box 6.

    • No 9 may occur along the laser beam path, except on a diamond.
    • The laser beam must cross all diamonds and must end in R5C5, resulting in a laser-loop.
  • Quadruples: Digits within a white circle must appear in the four surrounding cells.
  • X: Cells connected by an X sum to 10.

Note: Boxes are numbered in row-major order from 1-9.


CTC / SudokuPad

Solution code: Row 9

Last changed on on 9. September 2023, 21:24

Solved by Banana, chameleon, pep9, CatusDC
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on 25. September 2023, 02:45 by asp1310
If, for example, the laser is currently 'in' Box 1, and it is redirected to Box 7, will it (1) go all the way to Box 7, or (2) reach Box 4 and then get redirected to whatever box is in Box 4's diamond?

on 9. September 2023, 21:24 by GemmaOane
Updated rule text in CTC and F-Puzzles

Solved:4 times
Observed:10 times

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