Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pinocchio III

(Published on 3. September 2023, 21:52 by thoughtbyte)

Another in the somewhat approachable liar series.

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Additionally:

Each of the following standard clue types occurs exactly three times in the grid: quadruples, white dots (consecutive), black dots (ratio), Xs, Vs, littler killers, thermos, evens/odds (gray squares/circles), and killer cages. For each of those clue types, exactly two of the appearances of that clue are correct, and the other is incorrect.

F-Puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=28n6vh7u

CTC: https://tinyurl.com/pinno3

Kropki pairs: cells separated by a white dot are consecutive, cells separated by a black dot are in a 1:2 ratio.

XV: cells separated by a V sum to 5, cells separated by an X sum to 10.

Little killers: clues outside the grid sum the digits along that diagonal.

Thermos: digits must increase from the bulb end.

Quadruples: digits in a white circle must all appear in the four surrounding cells.

Evens/Odds: cells containing a gray square are even. Cells containing a grey circle are odd.

Killer cages: digits in cages sum to the number in its top left corner, digits cannot repeat in cages.

Solution code: Row 5.

Solved by MicroStudy, Fizz, tuturitu, cdwg2000, ElChiglia, ViKingPrime, Mr_tn, NotThatKindOfDoctor, Paletron, Skarlon, Briks, Elliott810, AvonD, Calvinball, h5663454, vfig, BHUNTER47, Azumagao, ... redgecko, diziet, roku137d, tess, Omnicole, Vebby, widjo, LadyShapeShifter, PippoForte, lmdemasi, Taeqle, 5h421n, oskode, BeeBoi, asii, Kigor, mezkur7, forsen, sedici, Flinty, gdc, Tommymanners
Full list


on 11. September 2023, 01:37 by KyleBaran
Had to do it 3 or 4 times, kept messing up logic for the gray circles
The puzzle logic is sound, and actually quite well constructed

on 5. September 2023, 20:58 by kmoter
this shuffles some brain cells, nice, thanks

on 5. September 2023, 11:13 by chenws
Very fun puzzle!Thank you!

on 4. September 2023, 19:25 by Starlight
For a liar puzzle this really is approachable. Fun to do. Great work making this

Last changed on 4. September 2023, 15:13

on 4. September 2023, 15:11 by Snaques
Usually I don't like the liar rule set as it feels just too vague, but this one was really nice.

I also got just another reminder of how truly something else I am. Only took me four tries to realize that the thermos are indeed thermos and not arrow sums. Well, I guess I got to spend more time on this lovely puzzle. :)

on 4. September 2023, 15:02 by Snookerfan
Excellent and approachable! Thank you

on 4. September 2023, 10:44 by LehanLehan
It's a wonderful puzzle, thank you very much.

Last changed on 4. September 2023, 00:17

on 4. September 2023, 00:17 by ViKingPrime
Incredibly approachable while still being endlessly engaging. A great place to start with liar clues if you're a neophyte like me. This is further proof you can always rely on thoughtbyte for a phenomenal puzzle!

on 3. September 2023, 22:57 by Fizz
Awesome and fun puzzle, thanks!

on 3. September 2023, 22:40 by MicroStudy
that was great fun, thank you

Rating:94 %
Solved:121 times
Observed:14 times

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