Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pipe Organ

(Published on 1. September 2023, 21:13 by heliopolix )

Thanks to Scojo's weekly puzzle prompt and Yttrio's puzzle The Dutch Pianist for inspiration for this puzzle.Thanks to all my testers for their time and feedback.


Normal Sudoku rules apply (place digits 1-9 once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box).

Normal Fortress rules apply (digits in gray cells must be greater than all digits in orthogonally-adjacent white cells).

Normal Thermometer rules apply (digits on a gray thermo must strictly increase from the bulb to the tip).

Normal Dutch Whispers rules apply (adjacent digits on an orange line must have a difference of 4 or more).

Comments are always welcome. I'd love to hear your thoughts about the puzzle. Have fun!

Streamers have permission to use this puzzle. Recommended betting cell for streaming is r8c9.

Play in SudokuPad

Solution code: Row 9

Solved by Xalothros, efnenu, OutOfMyMindBRB, lovely7998, Bjd, lmdemasi, apendleton, by81996672, AvonD, yttrio, scushuaishuai, EmX68, lwhjp, Elliott810, terrible_casserole, jkl, Skarlon, SKORP17, eurus, ... kishy72, CrippledLamp, geronimo92, JessikaWolff, jonmag, Paletron, lovely, karen_birgitta, Luwhk, HumanBirdsong, Askloomok, PippoForte, dendrobium, chanelaw, m_busuttil, snoswal, Sewerin
Full list


on 13. September 2023, 05:53 by SecretLawyerMan
I thoroughly enjoyed this. Well done!

on 13. September 2023, 01:40 by SecretLawyerMan
I thoroughly enjoyed this. Well done!

on 3. September 2023, 02:10 by PinkNickels
Very fun one!

on 2. September 2023, 17:07 by MarthaB
Fantastic puzzle. Inched along, step-by-step, but got there.

on 2. September 2023, 07:40 by yttrio
As an organist, I fully approve of this puzzle! I see you really "pulled out all the stops" :)

on 2. September 2023, 03:15 by lmdemasi
The solve was super satisfying. Small logical deductions that eventually cascaded into a full grid.

Rating:94 %
Solved:72 times
Observed:14 times

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