Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Double Ambiguity (Version 2)

(Published on 31. August 2023, 18:50 by LittleNightmaresLady)

This was my first doubler and ambiguity puzzle. I understand the break-in may be a bit tricky, so added hints at the bottom. There was a step later on that felt a bit unfair, so I hope it is more fair by that >5 cage. It is used at one point to (highlight to see):

use low digits in r9 and in box 7 to work out box 7.


-Normal sudoku rules apply.
-There are 9 cells, one in each row/column/box, which are doublers. For the purposes of the constraints, doublers double the value of a cell. Each digit from 1-9 is doubled exactly once.
-A line with a circle/bulb is either an arrow or a thermo, the solver must determine which. Values on an arrow must sum to the value in the attached circle. Values along an thermo must increase from the bulb end. The two lines coming from the same circle may be of a different type. The different shade of grey in box 3 is just to distinguish lines.
-The value or the sum of the values in a cage must satisfy the condition in the top left corner of the cage. E means an even value, and O means an odd value.



Hint 1 for the break-in (highlight to see it):

You can disprove the ability for all the lines in c78 to be thermos by considering 12 in c7. Once you can prove that one (and only one) of them is an arrow, consider 6789 and/or the geometry of the long line in c7 to find the arrow.

Hint 2 for the break-in:

Once you determine what the lines are, you can disprove roping of the long line. The long arrow, which requires at least two distinct digits from 123, also allow you to restrict r4c8 by where it goes in c7, can it be 12? What then happens when you don't have 1 and 2 on the long arrow?

Hint 3 for the break-in:

Where is 12 in c7? Now you should be suspicious about r4c8/r6c8, what happens if neither of them is the doubler for c7? This forces a doubler that is greater than 3 onto the box 6 line. What and where is this doubler in the box?

Solution code: Column 2 followed by Row 1, with no spaces.

Last changed on on 31. August 2023, 18:55

Solved by halakani, LYLY
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Last changed on 18. September 2023, 18:24

on 5. September 2023, 12:51 by orsonwu840
Can an odd digit appear in an E box as a doubler?

Sorry for the very late response (though I assume you couldn't finish it and stopped), but yes.

Last changed on 18. September 2023, 18:51

on 1. September 2023, 19:00 by halakani
It took 5 hours to solve but worth it. I underestimated the >5 clue.


Thanks for solving! Yeah haha that >5 cage would probably look very useless from the initial glance, but it seems to be an effective clue for what I wanted to achieve.

on 31. August 2023, 18:55 by LittleNightmaresLady

Solved:2 times
Observed:11 times

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