Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 30. August 2023, 04:41 by gdc)

This puzzle uses a new extension of the nabneR ruleset. The extension is similar to Run-on-Renban, where parts line must satisfy the nabneR property.

  • Normal sudoku rules apply
  • Digits joined by a V sum to 5. Digits joined by an X sum to 10. Not all Xs and Vs are given
  • Any sequence of four cells along the lines must contain a run of four non consecutive and non repeating digits, in any order (like overlapping nabneR lines of length 4). For example: if there is a 2 in a sequence, there can't be another 2, a 1 or a 3 in the same sequence.

Play Online:CtC, f-puzzles

Rules Clarification

Here is an example of a valid fill of a run-on-nabneR line: 1-4-7-9-2-5-7. The 4 cell sequence are 1-4-7-9, 4-7-9-2, 7-9-2-5 and 9-2-5-7. Each of those sequences contains no repeats and no consecutive digits. The non-consecutiveness refers to the chunk as a whole so 2-4-1-8 would be invalid because 1 and 2 appear in the same chunk even if they are not next to each other.


The nabneR ruleset was developed by zetamath. You can find the original puzzle here. The adaptation of the "runs" was developed by JC Godart.

Solution code: Row 5 (9 digits)

Solved by oshitada, Megalobrainiac, Stargazing Albatross, vorash00, efnenu, nordloc, Taratang, RickiFerrara, lmdemasi, Mr_tn, jcgodart, the_cogito, SenatorGronk, palpot, AvonD, cegie, Shmartus, Julianl, ... stimim, pandiani42, lovely, ough, humaLautema, LadyShapeShifter, OGRussHood, tome_coelho, SKORP17, vitaminz, KyubiBoy, QuiltyAsCharged, PippoForte, ChinStrap, Lizzy01, Kyriaas, Uhu, widjo
Full list


on 10. April 2024, 19:53 by ChinStrap
Was really surprised just how often something would have a unique answer when it looked like way too many possibilities. Great!

on 27. September 2023, 03:45 by stimim
Very nice puzzle! Thank you

on 1. September 2023, 20:44 by the_cogito
A gorgeous puzzle, you should be proud of this setting. Thank you.

on 30. August 2023, 11:54 by Stargazing Albatross
Awesome puzzle! Thoroughly enjoyed it!

Rating:94 %
Solved:40 times
Observed:9 times

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