Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Happy Birthday Piatato: A Doppelblock U-Bahn

(Published on 30. August 2023, 03:33 by wisty)

Shade two cells in every row and column. Draw a single connected network of lines going through the centers of some orthogonally adjacent unshaded cells. Lines may branch or turn but do not contain dead ends. Clues above and to the left of the grid indicate how many times a given tile, including its rotations, will appear in that row or column. These tiles also have numeric values, indicated in the top left, with empty cells counting for 0. Clues below and to the right give the sum of tiles between the two shaded cells in that row or column.

Something odd happened! Some of my clues are gone! I remember where they were though, so please note that question marks may be any odd number. Best of luck!

Play on Penpa+ here.

This was a birthday present for Piatato who was kind enough to make me a U-Bahn for my birthday, so I returned the favor! Thank you so much for the inspiration! Also, thank you bellsita and KNT for testing :)

For clarity, unshaded cells can be empty, and ?s can be double digit numbers.

Solution code: row 7 followed by column 6, using digits 0-4 and "S" for shaded cells

Last changed on on 30. August 2023, 04:09

Solved by Bellsita, Piatato, KNT, filuta, Zzzyxas, marcmees, Quetzal, CJK, Statistica, Jesper, Luigi, jkuo7, lupo, Agent, wooferzfg, Jakhob, Myxo, polar, misko, r45, AnnaTh, Alex, pandiani42, Silverstep, fjam, SterlingWest, Joe Average, ffricke, ONeill, Paletron, Mr_tn, RJBlarmo, Christounet
Full list


on 13. December 2024, 18:34 by Christounet
Superb ! What a gift. The minimalism of the clues is impressive. Thanks :)

on 7. September 2023, 15:36 by AnnaTh
This was amazing!

on 2. September 2023, 14:05 by Myxo
Incredible construction, this one goes straight to the favourites!

on 2. September 2023, 04:27 by wooferzfg
Very intricate interactions and a surprisingly potent ruleset - I didn't expect the sum clues to interact so well with the shape numbers. Thanks!

on 31. August 2023, 12:49 by Luigi

Last changed on 30. August 2023, 20:08

on 30. August 2023, 19:55 by marcmees
Happy birthday, P.
Amazing birthday present. Glad I could share the joy.

Last changed on 30. August 2023, 16:12

on 30. August 2023, 16:04 by Luigi
"please note that question marks may be any odd number"...
What is meant by this?
Does this mean, "?" may not be even numbers?
Correct! -wisty

on 30. August 2023, 11:09 by filuta
Very cool miraculous setup, well done!

on 30. August 2023, 08:28 by Piatato
Thanks for such an awesome gift! I love the ruleset, and the execution is brilliant! Really cool break-in, and all in all a great puzzle! :D

Rating:99 %
Solved:33 times
Observed:3 times

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