Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mean Snake Hollow

(Published on 25. September 2023, 17:05 by heliopolix )


Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Draw some snakes in the grid. A snake is a one-cell-wide path of orthogonally-connected cells that does branch or not touch itself orthogonally (it may touch diagonally). Each snake must start in a circle and may only contain one circle. The shaded cells may not be part of any snake. A snake is allowed to be a single cell.

The digit in the circle gives both the length of the snake and the average of the cells in the snake (also known as the arithmetic mean). Digits may repeat on a snake if allowed by other rules. For example, 58534 would be a valid snake, as the sum of the digits is 25 and the snake is five digits long.

Comments are always welcome. I'd love to hear your thoughts about the puzzle. Have fun!

Play in SudokuPad

Solution code: In order from rows 1-9, the last digit in each snake, read left-to-right (13 digits, no spaces).

Solved by Scojo, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Vodakhan , halakani, gynu, functor, mrlemmelook, batmanprof, Sewerin
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Last changed on 20. October 2023, 00:04

on 19. October 2023, 20:51 by mrlemmelook
Nice tricky puzzle! i also must admit i took far too long to figure out the solution code, but all good :D. I would give it a 3/5 difficulty rating!

Last changed on 25. September 2023, 23:15

on 25. September 2023, 21:01 by halakani
Difficulty of the puzzle itself should be 2 stars, but figuring out the solution code is definitely a challenge.
Thanks for the feedback. This is something I'll keep in mind for future puzzles. Cheers and thanks!

Solved:9 times
Observed:10 times

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