Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Two Blue Canoes

(Published on 29. August 2023, 01:51 by Oddlyeven)

Rules: Normal Sudoku rules apply. Put the digits 1 to 9 once each in each row, column and box.
Cages: Digits in a cage sum to the total in the top-left corner of the cage. Region Sum Lines: The sum of the digits on a line within a box must be the same for each box that line passes through. Lines are different colours merely to clarify crossings; they are all region sum lines.

SudokuPad: https://tinyurl.com/23qmhgkz

Solution code: Row 5 (9 digits)

Solved by tuturitu, mnasti2, RedBarchetta, lvdoutang, by81996672, Dharmabum, sedici, marvellousminty, jalebc, AvonD, davidjshort, CrazyCrypticC, ademjaz, gige, zorant, Kenro, ZMAOMAO, Chelo, lmdemasi, ... Krisonium, lovely, karen_birgitta, juhish, fecske, ManuH, OhHeyGuysItsMax, BlackApolloX, PandaJester, TaeChi, Just me, apendleton, PippoForte, QuiltyAsCharged, ZornsLemon, joelth, mezkur7
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on 31. August 2023, 17:46 by snowden
I got stuck for approximately half an hour bc I mathed wrong in the bottom right cage smh

on 31. August 2023, 07:53 by PotatoHead21
This was a fabulous puzzle with some lovely logic. I enjoyed every step of the solve.

Last changed on 30. August 2023, 10:44

on 30. August 2023, 10:44 by Snaques
What a fun puzzle. At first I was thinking there is another phistomephel rule variant for the four killer cages, but luckily didn't waste too much time on that.

I loved the interactions between the lines. Haven't seen that logic before.

on 29. August 2023, 07:41 by CrazyCrypticC
When you see it.... *mind blown*
Very nice puzzle.

Rating:94 %
Solved:67 times
Observed:10 times

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