Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Knight to the Right

(Published on 23. August 2023, 21:05 by asaddu)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. The digits 1-9 must appear once each in every row, column, and box.

Digits may not appear a chess knight's move away from the same digit.

Orthogonally adjacent digits may not be consecutive.

Digits along a thermometer increase from the bulb end.



Solution code: Row 1 followed by column 9

Last changed on on 23. August 2023, 22:04

Solved by TimoTheDude, jalebc, mos, zuzanina, SKORP17, Xalothros, Soothsayer, Fisherman, apendleton, jadezki, snaiks, dodomos, emmi123, lmdemasi, WatermeRen, SudokuFiend, Markos95, Hajuhn, dandandaaan, Nairi, ... arteful, Cliff, TroublesomeOrca, AsierGG, forsen, radium, PippoForte, leongyanhao, Isfan, Crul, pms_headache, Overhead, spientia, The Bard, Mup, Meghan29, Villse, drifting, kross, koiking
Full list


on 23. September 2023, 19:22 by 99%Sneaky
A bit tough to find a crack in the armor, but once you do the puzzle soon collapses :]

on 27. August 2023, 23:09 by nseydel
Funny that all the vertical ropes are also modular groups and could be read from the keypad verticals.

on 25. August 2023, 18:00 by eripsa
Easy, fun puzzle. Once it unlocks it goes very smoothly. Good practice for pencil marking!

on 25. August 2023, 04:49 by Tingo
Took me a minute to get going but I cracked it. This is quite a fun puzzle. Thanks for setting and sharing!

on 25. August 2023, 03:44 by RussKozerski
Who designed King Arthur's table? Sir Cumference.
What did King Arthur name his extra knight? Sir Plus.
Which knight was most sure of himself? Sir Tanlee.

Thanks for the fun puzzle.

on 24. August 2023, 13:38 by michael_787
Thank you for an easy puzzle. Auto-Fill-in.

on 23. August 2023, 23:05 by Fisherman
A self driving Tesla. Predictable, and yet very impressive.

on 23. August 2023, 22:04 by asaddu
Updated Solution Code! Sorry about that - typo.

on 23. August 2023, 21:52 by TimoTheDude
Fairly certain the solution code doesn't work.

Rating:78 %
Solved:166 times
Observed:13 times

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