Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Shivers: Back and Forth

(Published on 10. August 2023, 21:20 by wisty)

• Draw shivers in the grid such that all unshaded cells are covered and no shaded cells are covered.
• Shivers are non-intersecting lines of at least length 3 which turn at 90° angles on every cell other than their endpoints.
• A dashed circle indicates an endpoint of a shiver.
• A number in a cell indicates the length of the shiver occupying that cell.
• Length is counted in cells, and X indicates clues have the same value.

(A shiver can have 0, 1, or multiple clues.)

Play on Penpa+ here.

The first Shivers puzzle can be found here. Search the portal for hybrids by others! :)

Solution code: The number of lines leading right from column 2, then column 4, 6, 8, and 10

Last changed on on 17. March 2024, 09:49

Solved by Dandelo, jessica6, AzureFire, rockratzero, MicroStudy, Mr_tn, dumediat, KNT, misko, Piatato, Jesper, Torvelo, CHalb, ough, kinoseidon, OGRussHood, Bellsita, isajo4002, filuta, SeveNateNine, The Book Wyrm, Tuxel, Paletron, PrimeWeasel
Full list


on 22. March 2024, 17:10 by The Book Wyrm
Fun puzzle!
Lots of nice logic in here, and not too hard either.

on 14. August 2023, 16:04 by Piatato
Very nice!

Rating:94 %
Solved:24 times
Observed:7 times

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