Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 9. August 2023, 22:15 by Jay Dyer)


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Each line consists of one or more non-overlapping groups of consecutive cells, each of which sums to 10.
  • No two of these groups may have the same fill (including permutations), even if they are on different lines. For example, if one line had a group with digits 1315, and another line had a group with digits 5113, this would be invalid.

Solve in f-puzzles or Sudokupad.

Solution code: Row 2

Solved by Fool on Hill, tesseralis, bansalsaab, tuturitu, MicroStudy, mnasti2, AvonD, ClashCode, antiknight, widjo, Scruffamudda, twobear, ademjaz, Mr_tn, Franjo, Tilberg, farodin64, AzureFire, Agent, sanabas, ... Paletron, Chishiri, MrQubo, Uhu, P12345, michaal94, salamis99, Khepri, lovely, laky, Vebby, Mikemerin, ibprofin, arauwer, PippoForte, SPring, ahmadasiabi, koXx, SudokuHero, BlacknWhite
Full list


on 16. December 2023, 09:00 by Vebby

on 21. August 2023, 09:58 by ZornsLemon
The step for the final disambiguation (or at least what I left til the end) was quite unique. Absolutely beautiful puzzle

on 20. August 2023, 13:24 by OldCaptainWZJ
I think I found the right way to look at these constraints pretty quickly, but still took me a while to fully wrap my head around it. Really elegant!

on 14. August 2023, 04:04 by wenchang
Elementary Math with PhD logic!
Spoiler alert! https://youtu.be/opwUornkVoY

on 13. August 2023, 23:07 by glum_hippo
Today’s entry in the series Puzzles That Make You Ask Very Strange Questions was darn fun

on 11. August 2023, 17:49 by peacherwu2

on 11. August 2023, 14:25 by KNT

on 11. August 2023, 14:05 by wand
great puzzle! the break-in took some time but was logical and surprising.

on 11. August 2023, 02:17 by Silverscree
I found that much more difficult than other commenters here, taking me nearly two hours of on-and-off prodding to finally get it to reveal its secrets. Nevertheless, I agree that it's very clever setting. The parts of the puzzle that look constrained are not the break-in, at least not based on my expectations.

on 10. August 2023, 21:01 by Myxo
Awesome puzzle!

on 10. August 2023, 18:43 by GeorgeTheToad2
Spent ages working out all the possible combinations. It then fell nicely into place and only 11 minutes to solve. Fantastic puzzle. Thank you for sharing.

on 10. August 2023, 11:29 by ademjaz
Excellent puzzle!

on 10. August 2023, 04:47 by antiknight
Great idea and placement of lines! I felt it's at most 3* tho ^^

on 10. August 2023, 04:20 by ClashCode
An absolutely mad puzzle, Beautiful logic.

on 10. August 2023, 03:09 by MicroStudy
sublime setting, incredible how it completely resolves

on 10. August 2023, 00:20 by bansalsaab
Nice construction.

on 9. August 2023, 22:40 by Fool on Hill
Beautiful construction and execution. Interesting and precise logic which needs to be found to be appreciated.

Rating:97 %
Solved:110 times
Observed:8 times

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