Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 9. August 2023, 18:39 by rockratzero)


Originally published as part of the Modular Lines Unlocked Pack for Cracking the Cryptic. Available here from CtC and as part of the collection of Free Skunkworks Packs.

Normal Sudoku Rules Apply. Place the digits 1-9 in each row, column, and box with no repeats.

Modular lines: Every set of three sequential digits along a line must contain a complete set of residues modulo 3, i.e. one digit from {1,4,7}, one from {2,5,8}, and one from {3,6,9}. Digits may repeat on a line if allowed by other rules.

Entropic lines: Every set of three sequential digits along a line must contain one low, one medium, and one high digit, i.e. one digit from {1,2,3}, one from {4,5,6}, and one from {7,8,9}. Digits may repeat on a line if allowed by other rules.

One line is entropic and the other is modular. It is up to the solver to determine which is which.

Play on SudokuPad

Solution code: Row 8, followed by column 8

Solved by wand, AzureFire, michalil, SirWoezel, sasheo, kublai, SKORP17, bansalsaab, aerenhart, Bjd, coreng, AvonD, by81996672, cbjenkins, jcgodart, MicroStudy, zorant, ademjaz, Bankey, MarthaB, ... DaleVandermeer, functor, Raumplaner, BaumJames, Crusader175, ParaNox, puzzeenjoyer, flipout, zhergan, Drewpacabra, sgerstenberger, lovely, Krokant, humaLautema, PippoForte, rich_27, finger, tgstar
Full list


on 19. August 2023, 02:22 by BaumJames
This was a lot of fun. Broke it once tho. Made me think a lot.

on 17. August 2023, 16:48 by Raumplaner
This puzzle deserves an even higher rating than it already has! Great interactions between the ambigous lines - great fun!

on 10. August 2023, 12:05 by MarthaB
Once I realized the approach, it fell out nicely. Pleased to have solved this! Thank you.

on 10. August 2023, 10:59 by Bankey
Fun puzzle. Thanks, @ rockratzero :).

on 9. August 2023, 18:52 by wand
did this around the time of the modular lines ctc pack - love those interlocking lines

Rating:90 %
Solved:48 times
Observed:14 times

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