For Clawdia
(Published on 7. August 2023, 16:05 by olima)
For Clawdia
Rules: Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Adjacent digits along a green line differ by at least 5.
Digits on an arrow sum to the total in the circle.
Red cells show the place of the 5 in that row, e. g. a 4 in r7c5 would put a 5 in r7c4.
Green cells show the place of the 4 in that column, e. g. a 2 in r4c3 would put a 4 in r2c3.
Black dots indicate digits in a 1:2 ratio. Not all dots are necessarily given.
Note: This puzzle is a tribute to Rangsk's cat Clawdia.
Solution code: Column 1 and row 8
Solved by SKORP17, Mr_tn, benisjammin, zlotnleo, kporadzinski, lmdemasi, jalebc, ArnulfKoch, Notlob, AvonD, SkullPrince8, LehanLehan, Banana, palpot, efnenu, Jagga, tuturitu, Mr.CHEN, Hajuhn, brandon_bot, ... Pisoni, Katchoo, ManuH, josemadre, dskaff, phs, AN_not_IO, mezkur7, Askloomok, Marcus, sigge, PippoForte, Kekes, humaLautema, MaxSmartable, pepe74287, lotta_135, Martini&Toto, PinkNickels, MineLenny
on 22. August 2024, 21:14 by PinkNickels
Very nice!
on 29. August 2023, 08:09 by Rangsk
Thank you for this tribute to my late cat Clawdia. She was a special kitty and I still miss her. A solve video is also now live on my channel.
on 9. August 2023, 16:01 by geronimo92
Wonderful setting as always Olima !
on 9. August 2023, 10:22 by MrBusDriver
im not sure how to start but it was then r7c5 couldnt be a 8 cause i knew row8 Column 3,4,5,6 one of them had the 4 and couldnt be double 4's
on 8. August 2023, 14:53 by VitP
some incredibly intricate logic here.
still quite easy