Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

What’s for Dinner, Nala? (Nala’s Adventures #5)

(Published on 6. August 2023, 13:12 by SandraNala)

What’s for Dinner, Nala?

The only thing that Nala might prefer over playing with her favourite toys might be eating. Find out what’s for dinner today and judge for yourself if Nala should get her share or not! :)

Normal Sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1-9 in every row, column and box exactly once each.

Numbers on a thermometer strictly increase as they move away from the bulb towards the tip. There is only one tip for each thermometer and each thermometer has its own color. Elements of the same color are connected.

Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot are in a 1:2 ratio. Not all possible dots are given. (There is no negative constraint.)

Additionally the grid is partially covered in fog. Placing correct digits will clear the fog from surrounding cells, possibly revealing more clues.

Click to play: What‘s for Dinner, Nala?

Solution code: Digits from Column 9 (top to bottom):

Last changed on on 26. January 2024, 14:11

Solved by Myxo, tuturitu, ademjaz, Onyx, Fool on Hill, MicroStudy, Wessel Strijkstra, Kekes, Notlob, Florbttt, Carpet11, jalebc, Wetuts, Calvinball, Ragna, redgecko, mcc, flo_310, flaemmchen, cathematician, ... letmepuzzleffs, Eken, Usagi101, Thut46, JetTong, Lefky, BabyfacedBard, dmgciubotaru, ttennyson115, shortcp1, pyroinpink, Jowser, Ascha, OJPS, Faaip, ehnvn, Quills, soumyagupta0127, sarabtx
Full list


on 29. September 2024, 15:53 by BabyfacedBard
Even though I had solved it once before, I got slightly stuck with the break-in. Wonderful setting

on 1. July 2024, 21:35 by cozoq

on 16. December 2023, 16:54 by damasosos92
Beautiful! Loved this!

on 15. December 2023, 10:02 by KingIsulgard
The breakin was really rough, but once you go going it had a very nice flow.

on 8. December 2023, 16:46 by WildEnte
Sandra&Nala Puzzles are always a treat!

on 23. August 2023, 20:14 by fitzie
really liked that six out of nowhere.

Last changed on 16. August 2023, 15:18

on 16. August 2023, 12:58 by BakBak
Another great entry into this series, even through i can never see the hidden objects. Might be because i'm playing on a mobile device.
Had a really nice flow to it.

Sandra here! Thank you so much for the lovely feedback! it seems that not all devices will show emoji and I really need to find a better way to add these little details so that everyone can enjoy them! My brain is working on a solution :)

on 8. August 2023, 01:16 by Playmaker6174
Fantastic and lovely puzzle throughout!
The opening felt a bit deceiving for me in terms of how that first line works, but it eventually revealed enough magic to proceed to later parts and all were done nicely as well.
I'm glad that I finally keep on track to this fun series x)

on 7. August 2023, 21:58 by Snaques
Nice, now I'm hungry for more!

Love the series.

on 7. August 2023, 21:28 by zegres
Great use of FOW and really nice flow with consistent difficulty. Loved this!

on 7. August 2023, 19:29 by puzzlepandit
Nice one. I hope everyone will be able to make Nala eat!

on 7. August 2023, 16:31 by Christounet
I think I ate Nala's share as a reward for solving this beautiful puzzle... woops ! Gotta make another one for Nala !

on 7. August 2023, 15:36 by Mellario of Norvos
Been loving this series. Lots of really interesting logic in this puzzle. Thank you!

on 7. August 2023, 01:46 by Ratfinkz
Another stunning puzzle, thank you! I'm glad Nala got her fair share and I don't have to have word's with you

on 6. August 2023, 22:25 by taniabn
This has become my favorite series, both the puzzles and the story are very engaging

on 6. August 2023, 21:38 by Soothsayer
Wonderful, thank you!

on 6. August 2023, 18:54 by coreng
Fantastic adventure:)

on 6. August 2023, 18:22 by zeuntol
Loved the logic. (60:24)

on 6. August 2023, 17:31 by BenTen
I have to confess I made an error on the first thermometer and it revealed a part of the puzzle I wasn't meant to see, so not a moral victory for me! (Nala can have my portion).
Some beautiful logic throughout this puzzle and another fun installment to this series of FOW puzzles. Thank you SandraNala!

on 6. August 2023, 16:20 by flaemmchen
Süsse Serie :))

on 6. August 2023, 15:33 by Ragna
Nala is simply the best :-))

on 6. August 2023, 14:56 by Florbttt
I found it incredibly enjoyable throughout, Nala should absolutely get a bite ;) (42 minutes for me)

on 6. August 2023, 14:43 by Wessel Strijkstra

on 6. August 2023, 14:00 by Fool on Hill
This is a really nice puzzle exploiting the fog to generate some tricky - but completely fair - deductions. Very pleased to have solved it - thanks for the challenge.

on 6. August 2023, 13:52 by ademjaz
Very fun puzzle!

on 6. August 2023, 13:15 by Myxo
Ich glaube da kriegt Nala nicht viel ab :D

Rating:96 %
Solved:529 times
Observed:11 times

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