Regular sudoku rules apply.
Each number indicates there is a streak of AT LEAST that many increasing, consecutive digits in the row or column in that direction (e.g. a number above the grid indicates a downward streak in that column).
For instance, the row "214678935" has a maximal streak of 4 digits to the right (6789) and 2 digits to the left (21), so it could have a maximum of a 4 clue on the left and a 2 clue on the right.
Not all rows and columns with streaks are indicated.
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Solution code: Row 1 (left to right, 9 digits, no spaces)
on 26. July 2023, 22:14 by Kafkapharnaum
Very nice to see this one uploaded here! It's a very original puzzle and even as it's been months I think, I still very much remember having had a lot of fun testing it!
Reply: Thanks, that means a lot!
on 26. July 2023, 22:05 by ScatterBrain
Interesting ruleset. It took some work, but was fun!
Reply: Glad you had fun!