Normal sudoku rules apply. Placing a correct digit in the grid will clear any fog in the surrounding cells.
Region sum lines: Digits along a blue have an equal sum within each 3x3 box the line passes through. Region sum lines do not branch.
Quadruples: Digits in a white circle must appear at least once in the four surrounding cells. All quadruple clues contain 4 digits in ascending order from left to right, top to bottom.
Solution code: Column 2.
on 25. June 2024, 00:27 by ostio456
One of my favourite puzzles to date! once i clarified the quadruples rule from other comments i had a go. For me, this is a 3-star. Really great logic with some tricky deduction. thank you!
on 21. December 2023, 00:47 by Virux
I don't get why the rating is only 89%. Should be way higher The puzzle was truly amazing!
on 8. December 2023, 16:43 by One Eyed Man
WOW, that is one of the finest puzzles I have ever had the pleasure to solve. Highly recommended.
on 16. September 2023, 03:18 by ViKingPrime
Brilliant! One of the best executions on fog puzzles to date.
on 31. August 2023, 22:43 by cascadeshiker
Beautiful idea for a puzzle. Thanks! One of the hardest I've managed to solve so far. It was good to feel stretched.
on 4. August 2023, 04:27 by Photographieraptor
Thanks, mse326.
on 3. August 2023, 23:16 by mse326
@Photographieraptor: I don't know if there is a better way to write the rule, but by convention left to right, top to bottom means that you read top row first left to right, then next row left to right so the top row will always have the lowest digits
on 27. July 2023, 16:37 by Baklin
Now that I understood the rule it was great fun to solve. Still took me 80 minutes but fun all the way. Thanks for setting this.
on 27. July 2023, 15:39 by sdlay2
Really enjoyed this, thanks!
on 27. July 2023, 13:05 by Baklin
@sanabas. Thanks. Now it makes sense. I will have another go later today.
on 27. July 2023, 10:51 by sanabas
@Baklin: I was also confused, and cheated to look at the quads before restarting. It only refers to how the clue is written, not to where the digits are in the puzzle. Similar idea to a killer cage having the clue written in the leftmost cell of the highest row. So a clue could appear as:
But a clue couldn't appear as
on 26. July 2023, 22:58 by femto113
Very enjoyable, but I think I must have missed something obvious, because this felt much closer to a 4 star than 2 star puzzle (wound up resorting to a lot of coloring to resolve 5 vs 7 and 1 vs 2 vs 3)
on 26. July 2023, 22:52 by Baklin
I don't think I understand the ascending order in the quadruple rule. After an hour I gave up and put a number in to show one of the quadruples. That didn't match with what I thought was the rule.
on 26. July 2023, 19:28 by thoughtbyte
Thank you for the feedback everyone, I'm delighted that you enjoyed the puzzle!
on 26. July 2023, 19:05 by BakBak
Very nice puzzle. Got stuck a few times but Had fun all the way through.
on 26. July 2023, 18:02 by 28righthand
Wonderful, I will be dissapointed if I dont see this on youtube in the coming days...
on 26. July 2023, 16:25 by Suspicious Door
What a beautiful puzzle, it was a joy to solve.
on 26. July 2023, 14:55 by ScatterBrain
That was fun. Thanks!
on 26. July 2023, 14:19 by lizzzyc
I think this is the most difficult puzzle I've completed. Thanks for setting a great puzzle at a great level to stretch a beginner like me.
on 26. July 2023, 14:16 by vorash00
for how long i had 2 possible option on a quadruple one of which was NOT a quadruple number is incredibly embarrassing! I had the possibility penciled before I revealed the fog and then when it was revealed. I was staring at it for an ice age!!!! yes nice and puzzle but I'm upset with me - not reflected in my rating I assure you
-- I did the same thing when I tested the puzzle, and I placed the clue there lol. Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the feedback - thoughtbyte
on 26. July 2023, 05:40 by ischaid
Wow, this I think is my favorite Fog’o’War puzzles I’ve completed! Love the break in on this. Maybe easier for others, but that took me some time! Personally I’d give it a 3.
on 26. July 2023, 02:12 by sacklunch
Excellent puzzle! I enjoyed the ascending quads rule, beautiful use of the fog. Loved it, thanks for setting and sharing.
on 26. July 2023, 00:00 by nunc
Very nice. The difficulty lies in looking at the right cells... If you do it right, then it is 2 stars, else more like 3.
on 25. July 2023, 21:43 by thoughtbyte
Update difficulty. So far the majority of testers have rated it a 2 or 2.5.
on 25. July 2023, 21:41 by thoughtbyte
Update image