Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

A Coloring Conundrum

(Published on 25. July 2023, 01:29 by lapazhu)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

XV: Digits separated by an X must sum to 10 and digits separated by a V must sum to 5. All Xs and Vs are given.

Consecutive Kropki: Cells separated by a white dot contain consecutive digits. Not all such white dots are given.

This puzzle is intended to be an introduction to coloring using online software but feel free to attempt without coloring if you'd prefer!

Feedback is always welcome!

Play on f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=26c7jpbq

Play on CTC: https://tinyurl.com/dds8x8cy

Solution code: Row 7 (9 digits, no spaces)

Solved by sasheo, fuxia, Jlrice2, efnenu, cbjenkins, rpearl, Keagan, onbu, Raistlen, JesseNate, WatermeRen, lizzzyc, dskaff, apendleton, Hajuhn, nmk1218, drf93, Flycatcher, jchan18, NeroChaos, itsagift, ... JazzCarballo, KillTehBunny, Keldor, seven-seas, ChulioZ, ratolibre, Supertaster, AnebodaSlatorp, sortofrican90, kross, arangues, noah138, dellC, Vom_, Pingy, citysquirrel, matthew.v, LaD1Da
Full list


on 16. September 2024, 03:32 by h1dd3ntrip7e
Very satisfying. Mmmmmmmmm.

on 14. September 2024, 11:15 by NordenShield
The puzzle is very nice and well-constructed, but it was a bit hard for me personally to differentiate between so many different colors.

on 25. June 2024, 01:30 by GDP
Love this. For me it makes a good intro for the Colorado series as its a much more approachable puzzle that teaches you the same techniques.

on 9. June 2024, 15:39 by wuc
Experience told me to start coloring instantly. Great fun thx.

on 28. May 2024, 22:38 by Noodlz
great puzzle, really enjoyed the solve!

on 20. April 2024, 22:31 by Superdamicobros
Very nice puzzle. As the others have commented, the negative constraint does not appear to be necessary to solve. It was still a fun puzzle, and a good coloring exercise.

on 4. April 2024, 04:08 by aliensfordonuts
I LOVE these color puzzles so much--thank you for making it and titling it as one. Definitely used the colors and it was a delightful solve!!

on 31. March 2024, 18:46 by mixus minimax
Yeah this was half an hour for me, I coloured the entire thing with parity but then I had to do some thinking to know what goes where, but once you got some, the whole thing just resolves very cleanly! Very nice

on 29. March 2024, 19:45 by Adonalsium
very enjoyable, love a colourful grid. didn't even read the negative constraint, worked well without it

on 18. March 2024, 23:58 by ElMrBlack
Cool puzzle.
I found it easier to use letters instead of colors because it got too confusing

on 6. March 2024, 03:39 by RussKozerski
Very nice puzzle. Fun solve. Thank you. I didn't even realize there was a negative constraint until after I finished the solve and read through some of the comments. So it's definitely not needed. But...it took me significantly longer than it seems other people needed. So maybe I would have finished in less time if I'd been aware of the negative constraint.

on 2. March 2024, 21:41 by emilyble21
36:26. I may have gotten a bit color-happy, but I ended up with a beautiful grid and a quick solve after the break-in. Fun puzzle :)

on 27. February 2024, 01:42 by frankmstein29
That was fun!

on 24. February 2024, 18:45 by Nootato
Loved the logic used to start off the puzzle! Really clever negative constraint.

Last changed on 23. February 2024, 08:41

on 23. February 2024, 08:41 by PhoenixAki
32:04...I worry I overdid it with the coloring and that got my brain more confused than without it. I also worried that the logic I did end up using to disambiguate the colors was wrong, but it led me to the right solution based on the code, so I guess I learned :)

I agree with the others the negative constraint isn't necessary, I used it very briefly in one spot but it didn't relate at all to how I solved the rest

on 16. February 2024, 17:51 by Damax
As a beginner who's just trying to learn from the easier puzzles, this was a lot of fun, thanks!

on 29. January 2024, 20:22 by SnS

on 26. January 2024, 01:52 by ave
I found that one little slip of concentration and you have to backtrack quite a bit. :)
It was fun!

on 14. January 2024, 19:16 by ericboes
This definitely is a good tutorial on coloring.

on 3. January 2024, 11:28 by lordovol
I forgot about the negative constraint
I solved it just using coloring
Beautiful puzzle

on 2. January 2024, 09:07 by RedBarchetta
Solved it using the negative constraint. Then read the comments and solved it again without using it. It's about the same either way. Very fun, thanks!

on 27. December 2023, 13:30 by Virux
Very nice and very easy puzzle. Love these easy puzzles that take a little time to do. Not to fast and doesnt take too long either. Perfect for a relaxing morning solve! thank you!

on 22. December 2023, 18:09 by KikaOD
i did the whole puzzle without realising there was a negative constraint but i feel like it would have saved me some solve time

on 29. September 2023, 17:37 by Kirra
Nice puzzle. Would be a great introduction to colouring for someone new to the concept :)

on 26. September 2023, 02:52 by cascadeshiker
Thanks for the puzzle. I think I prefer using letters to colors though.

on 1. September 2023, 01:26 by anyeyeball
Thanks for this! I love when numbers can be filled in 9-at-a-time.

on 9. August 2023, 16:49 by DonQuichopp
at first it blew my mind. Didn't know where to start. Once understood, it was great fun to solve it.
Thanks a lot!

on 29. July 2023, 21:57 by taniabn
Great quick puzzle. I agree about the negative constraint, I didn't pay attention to the rules because I was in a rush and didn't realize there was a negative constraint until I was inputing the solution code, so I didn't use it at all. Still solved it super quickly.

on 26. July 2023, 18:36 by Ryx
Wonderful puzzle. I didn't feel like there was any conundrum at all, once I found the right place to start coloring ;-)

on 26. July 2023, 12:19 by Something Wellesian
Cute. I agree the negative constraint wasn’t needed, but it was a handy shortcut once or twice.

on 25. July 2023, 23:58 by Silverscree
4:28, nice quickie. I agree that the negative constraint adds nothing, but I thoroughly enjoyed speedrunning it

on 25. July 2023, 19:43 by ischaid

on 25. July 2023, 19:13 by timyoth
nice little snack. The negative constraint is not needed tho.

on 25. July 2023, 19:02 by SHERAX
Once you found it it solves fast!

on 25. July 2023, 18:56 by SHERAX
Once you found it it solves fast!

on 25. July 2023, 13:51 by coeurblacky
As close to a LSD-trip as a sudoku can probably get!
Had great fun, thanks for setting!

on 25. July 2023, 12:22 by zrbakhtiar
yup. as intended, indeed an nice working intro to coloring. next step, double colouring. +lettering. haha.

on 25. July 2023, 10:07 by Ratfinkz
Lovely smooth solve! I did use the negative constraint a few times!

on 25. July 2023, 02:46 by rpearl
I did not appear to need the negative constraint on XVs?

Rating:92 %
Solved:717 times
Observed:15 times

Standard puzzle Puzzle variant Beginners Online solving tool

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