Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

U-Bahn with Empty Clues (2)

(Published on 24. July 2023, 08:46 by KNT)

Draw a totally connected loop network through the centers of some cells, which may branch or turn, but may not have any dead ends.

A clue outside the grid indicates how many times the corresponding line shape (i.e. a cross, branch, straight line, turn, or empty cell) appears in the corresponding row or column, irrespective of the line shape's rotation.



Solution code: For each column besides the last, the number of lines leading right from that column.

Last changed on on 24. June 2024, 00:21

Solved by Mr_tn, Jesper, zuzanina, Piatato, Dandelo, Agent, Grausbert, Luigi, ONeill, wooferzfg, Jakhob, polar, Zzzyxas, tesseralis, marcmees, Koalagator2, r45, ffricke, ibag, Myxo, Uhu, Nordy, jkuo7, cmb, ... Joe Average, Christounet, Vebby, Nensche777, filmore, itweb, RJBlarmo, Nick Smirnov, Tom-dz, zetamath, abed hawila, tuturitu, h5663454, DaleVandermeer, wullemuus, teff, luminish, dumediat
Full list


on 18. February 2025, 21:20 by dumediat
This series is serving as a very nice litmus test for my progress in understanding the genre. Another one down!

on 24. November 2023, 15:17 by Christounet
I wish my brain was not as empty as these clues when it comes to solving u-bahn... Very nice one !

on 12. August 2023, 09:32 by wisty
This series is exceptionally good

on 4. August 2023, 18:13 by Yann
Very nice U-Bahn, approachable even for a "noobahn" to quote filuta's puzzle, and also fun, thanks !

on 26. July 2023, 01:15 by Nordy
After solving this and the first one, consider me hooked!

on 25. July 2023, 12:38 by Myxo
Those clues sure do be empty!

on 24. July 2023, 17:22 by wooferzfg
Lots of fun :)

on 24. July 2023, 16:20 by ONeill
Cool puzzle, thanks :)

on 24. July 2023, 15:00 by Agent
Very nice and approachable U-Bahn!

on 24. July 2023, 12:47 by Piatato
Very nice!

on 24. July 2023, 12:16 by Jesper
Fun puzzle, thanks!

Rating:97 %
Solved:69 times
Observed:7 times

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