Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Anti-symmetry Fillomino

(Published on 24. July 2023, 01:38 by tesseralis)

My second puzzle with the "anti-symmetry" constraint first seen in Anti-symmetry hexominous. The ways different sizes of polyominoes interact with symmetry is interesting to me, and I hope I can convey some of that in this puzzle!


Divide the grid into polyominoes so that polyominoes of the same size don't share an edge. Each cell contains a number equal to its polyomino's size.

Additionally, polyominoes with the same symmetry class cannot share an edge. Examples for symmetry classes.

Solve online on Penpa.

Solution code: Numbers in Row 10 followed by Column 10

Last changed on on 25. July 2023, 03:46

Solved by KNT, Jesper, Christounet, Piatato, jkuo7, ascension, jessica6, lerroyy, tuturitu, SquaringSquirrel, kiwi0710, Joe Average, RoyalJelly, Calesch, puzzler05
Full list


Last changed on 26. July 2023, 23:27

on 26. July 2023, 21:24 by jessica6
Is a "2" domino and a straight "3" tromino the same symmetry class? Both have the same symmetries, however one of the symmetry axes of the "2" goes through a grid line while both axes of the "3" don't.
yes, for the purposes of this puzzle, they have the same symmetry class

on 26. July 2023, 01:46 by Piatato
Very cool concept! Excellent webpage too :)

on 25. July 2023, 08:29 by Christounet
Very enjoyable puzzle ! Your very complete guide to polyominos symmetry provided the needed help along the way. Easier solve than expected with my lack of knowledge in that domain ! Thanks :)

on 25. July 2023, 03:46 by tesseralis
Update to a new version of the puzzle that fixes a logical leap in the old solution path.

on 24. July 2023, 03:40 by KNT
Really cool puzzle once I discovered your page here: https://minos.tessera.li/symmetry/table

Rating:94 %
Solved:15 times
Observed:8 times

Dominoes Trominoes Tetrominoes Pentominoes Hexominoes Polyominoes

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