Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Whispering in the Dark

(Published on 18. July 2023, 00:17 by asaddu)

Puzzle by Asaddu and cappncrochet

Normal Sudoku rules apply. The digits 1-9 must appear once each in every row, column, and box.

Placing a correct digit in the grid will clear the fog.

Digits separated by a white dot must be consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot must be in a 2:1 ratio. Not all possible dots are given.

Adjacent digits along green lines must differ by at least 5.



Solution code: Row 9 and column 8

Solved by Steven R, deltameth, OutOfMyMindBRB, tweak42, Tulrak, Corey115, Montinox, DanishDynamite, taniabn, aerenhart, Kallor, Ratfinkz, stramosk, cbjenkins, AvonD, darkshadow, dingledork, Konzert, rictech, ... maiaz, Fenn, Overhead, Peteronium, tgstar, buzzle24, forsen, ThirdWiseMonkey, Wenni, The Bard, nicolacroft1, sorhead, x3y2z1, Vegan_warior, realhollie, Mathemagier, UsernameDave, Jowser, Supertaster
Full list


on 19. July 2023, 02:19 by Ragna
Very nice fun puzzle! Thank you for your time :-)

Last changed on 18. July 2023, 20:17

on 18. July 2023, 20:15 by anyeyeball
Fun puzzle! Thank you for sharing. Solve Counter on the CTC App just hit 280.

on 18. July 2023, 03:51 by Ratfinkz
Lovely puzzle thank you

Rating:89 %
Solved:286 times
Observed:9 times

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