These puzzles don’t have a link, feel free to skip my puzzle, you won’t miss anything.
Standard sudoku rules applies. Fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 6 so each digit occurs exactly once in every row, column and 2x3 box.
Every digit inside the grid is a skyscraper, the height of which is defined by the value of the digit.
Outside clues indicate the number of buildings one can see from that direction, with higher buildings blocks the view of lower buildings.
All outside clues are given but not shown.
Digits on the line have a value that is between two circle digits
Cells with arrow is the sum of all blocked digits in the arrow direction. High buildings block the view of lower buildings.
All possible arrows are given.
Black cell is the number of all skyscrapers one can see in the all four directions. High buildings block the view of lower buildings.
All possible cells are given.
Black cells is the sum of all blocked digits in one of the four directions. High buildings block the view of lower buildings.
All possible cells are given.
I remember some guy saying 6x6 puzzles we made are too easy for this portal and i would shame myself for posting too easy puzzles. Well, good luck with these. Some of these are harder than the 9x9 i set. The not perfect symmetric 6x6 structure has a way deeper impact on the possible looks of the clues.
For people who know me, i spent a lot of time with skyscraper. If the skyscraper is a lake, then inner skyscraper is an ocean. With the ocean, there’s a beach and most setters would prefer chilling on the beach, if you know the trick i’m referring to. Compared to skyscraper, inner skyscraper keeps the strong restraint but add more flexibility, making it even harder to predict. It has more focus on the position where the clues are. And 6x6 is unfortunately very, how should i put it, strange or unthinkable when dealing with position based variant, because only 2 bow in a row. This means digits inside horizontal boxes are related. This also means, 6x6 will have 9x9 impossible structures.
Another thing to be mentioned on inner skyscraper. It deals with the big digits search problem, because not every side will have the biggest digit. It also open doors for shared clues, opposite clues and follow up clues. Any of these tricks would be ignored in a normal inner skyscraper because convenience. And if that’s the case, then it’s the job for variant to take away the laziness. I just mention one about the opposite clues in case one didn’t found it in the 9x9 one. There must be a biggest digit between the clues and for each clues, every digit behind the biggest is blocked. And for sum, there’s a limit for how many digits can be blocked in one direction.
Solution code: Row 3 from the first puzzle to the last puzzle(24 digits)