Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Fleet of 7's

(Published on 12. July 2023, 05:26 by Aaronomys)

Not expecting this to gain much retention, but I think this puzzle is cute and fun, so I'm posting it here! I believe this is my first non-sudoku on LMD, so I hope you like it.

Anyways, enjoy the puzzle!

Solve Pyramid Pointers (example puzzle) on Penpa+
Solve Fleet of 7's on Penpa+


- Fill every cell in the pyramid with positive non-zero integers so that a number is the sum of the two numbers below it and no two cells that share a border contain the same number.

- Additionally, numbers in arrow circles give the sum of the numbers along the arrow.

Feedback of any kind is greatly appreciated.

Solution code: From top to bottom, enter the numbers of the rightmost cell in each row.

Last changed on on 18. July 2023, 13:35

Solved by laky, gutman, marcmees, Fizz, StefanSch, RockyRoer, Grausbert, ClashCode, AzureFire, by81996672, Jesper, szabog, jessica6, karen_birgitta, Luigi, uvo, Uhu, Piatato, spectria.limina, Vebby, starelev5, Sewerin, RobertBe, PapaPotato, LinusS
Full list


on 23. July 2023, 17:48 by Piatato
Cool puzzle, thanks!

Last changed on 18. July 2023, 14:07

on 18. July 2023, 14:06 by uvo
Sorry, I only looked at the German version and didn't notice the image in the English version.

Anyway, while the puzzle is just a lot of arithmetics, there is nothing wrong with that.

on 18. July 2023, 13:35 by Aaronomys
Fixed the html code in the German rules so that the image is displayed.

on 14. July 2023, 07:01 by szabog
Thank you, I liked it. Please make more non-sudoku puzzles :)

on 12. July 2023, 07:20 by marcmees
fun deductions. thanks

Rating:86 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:7 times

Puzzle variant Math knowledge Online solving tool Triangular Filling puzzle Arithmetic puzzle

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