==== LINKS ====
F-puzzles -
CtC app
==== RULES ====
NormalSudoku rules apply : fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 appearing each in every row, column and 3x3 box.
Quadruples : Digits in white circles must appear at least once each in the 4 surrounding cells.
Renbans : along a renban line appear consecutive digits, not necessarily in order, but with no repeats.
German Whispers : along a german whisper line, adjacent digits must differ by at least 5.
Renber Whispan : A grey line is either a renban or a german whisper.
Thanks to lerroy, Cane_puzzles, Roger Wrightshoe and Geryon for testing and/or provding precious feedback.
Solution code: Digits from Column 1 (top to bottom) followed by Row 5(left to right). 18 digits, no space character.
on 29. November 2023, 21:10 by Jimi02468
Very nice puzzle. The first five star puzzle I've ever solved and so far my favorite puzzle as well.
on 10. July 2023, 01:14 by Myxo
Very nice and intricate!
on 10. July 2023, 00:48 by lerroyy
Very nice!
on 10. July 2023, 00:07 by JayForty
Great puzzle. Tricky with some really nice and quite original logic. Thanks!