Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Prison Break

(Published on 9. July 2023, 11:51 by Myxo)

The killers have escaped double arrow prison! Save Sudoku City by.. just solving this puzzle, I guess.


Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1-9 exactly once in every row, column and thick-outlined box.

Killer rules apply. The digits in each cage do not repeat and sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage (if given).

Double arrow rules apply. On a grey line, the digits sum to the same total as the two circles connected to the line. All double arrows in the grid are straight lines (ie. they do not turn at intersections).


Solution code: Row 8

Last changed on on 25. February 2024, 14:26

Solved by Steven R, ademjaz, Bjd, dumediat, Jesper, zuzanina, OutOfMyMindBRB, ymhsbmbesitwf, DanishDynamite, fjam, dennischen, AvonD, tesseralis, bansalsaab, Gryllulus, butch02, Snookerfan, giladooshlon, ... michaal94, shaggath, ryanprobably, Criptonight, Tony, P12345, OldCaptainWZJ, PippoForte, MicroStudy, lmdemasi, SudokuHero, Mikemerin, mezkur7, Paletron, emwmasu, widjo, arauwer, Dentones, koXx
Full list


on 4. November 2023, 14:31 by Criptonight

on 23. August 2023, 00:26 by Snaques
This was pretty amazing. I was ready to give up after 30 seconds, but glad I gave it couple of minutes more to realize what it was all about.

So many surprising and cool interactions all over the puzzle.

on 14. July 2023, 18:55 by mbrandtwls
Such fun! I just worked on "Surgical Excision" by HalfBakedLunatic, it must be the week of the Phistomefel Ring!

on 14. July 2023, 14:16 by Piatato
Ridiculously good, thanks!

on 14. July 2023, 11:18 by Blashyrkh
Großartig! Spannend bis zum Schluss.

on 13. July 2023, 07:46 by ddx01
Lovely! Thank you for the puzzle, Myxo. ^_^

on 12. July 2023, 21:44 by Christounet
Ausgebrochen !
Und ausgezeichnet !
Danke vielmals :)

on 11. July 2023, 06:38 by BloodbuzzCorio
Myxo such a great puzzle. Challenging but rewarding, and loved how elegantly you combined the multiple rules!

on 10. July 2023, 22:18 by Perladel
Not easy at all, but very clever and satisfying!

on 10. July 2023, 16:10 by peacherwu2
Phistomefel's thm is helpful but still a long way to break out.

on 10. July 2023, 13:45 by econtrout
What a cool break in concept. Another great puzzle.

on 10. July 2023, 10:22 by Snookerfan
Very nice and pretty! Thank you

on 10. July 2023, 04:54 by tesseralis
Fun puzzle with some really interesting logic surrounding the pattern!

on 10. July 2023, 02:27 by dennischen
Tough one, really well telegraphed though. Thanks for the puzzle!

on 9. July 2023, 18:48 by DanishDynamite
Excellent puzzle! Thanks.

on 9. July 2023, 15:36 by dumediat
Stellar puzz again!
Roundabout knowledge pattern
leaves users guessing.

on 9. July 2023, 12:01 by ademjaz
Excellent puzzle, loved it!

Rating:97 %
Solved:100 times
Observed:11 times

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