Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mystical Fog

(Published on 5. July 2023, 17:37 by Ridhwan)

Mystical Fog


1. Normal sudoku rules apply.

2. The grid is covered mostly by fog. Placing correct digits in the grid will clear the fog.

3. Orthogonally adjacent cells do not contain consecutive digits.

4. Clues outside the grid give the sum of the indicated diagonal, and digits may repeat.

5. Digits in cages must sum to the small clue in the top left corner.

6. Adjacent digits along a green line must have a difference of at least 5.

Do have a go!



Solution code: Row 5 and Column 5

Last changed on on 5. July 2023, 17:41

Solved by Snookerfan, henryg14, tweak42, NineK, elephant_in_the_room, zuzanina, BenTen, pepe74287, tobymgk, PinkNickels, h5663454, mihel111, rockratzero, cathematician, HumanBirdsong, hannahh, Julianl, ... k2u5as, forsen, Fustrate, Kekes, Peteronium, dholden, KafkaNovember, koiking, x3y2z1, tdeo, belnovic, Onyx, SevenSplitRoad, atomvic, whitefox, MrWhite2020, Vegan_warior, Blummy, CharlieH
Full list


on 29. November 2023, 02:23 by cascadeshiker
I found this hard for 2 stars. I had to do a lot of brute force square by square stuff, instead of looking for higher level deductions. Thanks for the puzzle though.

on 15. July 2023, 00:05 by Ragna
Thank you for sharing :-))

on 12. July 2023, 02:40 by salimundo
great logic

on 8. July 2023, 20:41 by ischaid
My first fog! Love this variant now. Great setting!

on 6. July 2023, 18:23 by josemadre
Smooth! Thank you for setting

on 5. July 2023, 17:41 by Ridhwan
Changed link

Rating:88 %
Solved:231 times
Observed:9 times

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