I initially set this puzzle as an example for my previous S-cell puzzle. But I changed my mind and dropped the X-Sums rule for a combination of RSL and renban. I still like the logic in this little one, so I decided to share it here as a standalone "coffee break" puzzle. Expected difficulty 1-2.
I hope you enjoy ! And if you do, do check out the bigger one, which involves more complex interactions between the grids.
Rules :
- Normalish sudoku rules apply : for each grid, select 5 of the digits from 0 to 9. Each row, column and 2x2 box must contain these 5 digits with no repeats. To allow this, place one S-cell that contains 2 digits in each row, column and box.
For the left grid, you cannot use the 0.
For the right grid, you have to use 0.
- On renbans and for X-sums counts, the value of an S-cell is the sum of its 2 digits.
- Grey areas outside those grids do not contain digits (apart from the given X-sums clues).
- X-sums : outside clues give the sum of the X first cells seen in the direction of the clue, where X is the value of the first cell.
- Renban : each red line is a renban and must contain a set of non repeating consecutive integer values in any order (e.g : 8-10-9). Digits can repeat on the lines if allowed by other rules (e.g : 7-17).
I recommend solving with Penpa, because it has answer check on S-cells too, and the pencilmarks show better on the lines.
Enjoy ! And consider giving feedback if you appreciate the puzzle !
You can check out my other puzzles here if you liked this one.
Solution code: Digits in all S-cells, left grid then right grid, top to bottom, lowest digit first
on 4. August 2024, 12:40 by Piatato
on 9. April 2024, 23:28 by dendrobium
This was fun! Pretty challenging for a small grid. (I'm a n00b at S-cells so I wasn't sure how to enter the solution; I just entered the digits in centre mode on Penpa.)
@dendrobium : Nice ! Glad you enjoyed ! Now you can try the bigger one if you want a greater challenge :) The center mode is indeed what I use to notate the S-cells in my puzzles.
on 10. October 2023, 17:45 by ViKingPrime
Very nice! Packs quite a challenge for a 4x4 grid. Excellent setting.
on 10. July 2023, 23:50 by heliopolix
@heliopolix : Thank-S !
on 5. July 2023, 00:42 by Christounet
Updated difficulty based on feedback
on 5. July 2023, 00:38 by Myxo
Very nice! Took an embarassingly long time for this snack.
@Myxo : Thanks ! Yes, it was funny to watch you elaborate complex strategies in the end, when it was just resolving so easily with one little x-sum :p
on 4. July 2023, 23:20 by Paquet Voleur
A nice little quantum snack! Thank you Christounet! Always a pleasure to solve your puzzles, no matter if they're hair-pulling mind-benders, or more gentle brain-teasers like this one.
@Paquet Voleur : Glad you enjoyed this little S-Nack my friend !