Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Magical Berlin

(Published on 1. July 2023, 07:52 by farodin64)

Another mini-map puzzle about the German federal states, this time Berlin! The city limits of Berlin are again the green German Whisper line. "Berlin-Mitte" can sometimes be magical, at least here as a magic square. The time in the recreation areas on the outskirts can also be magically beautiful, e.g. at one of the lakes Großer Müggelsee, Tegeler See or Großer Wannsee (Killer Cages). Have fun.


  1. Normal sudoku rules apply.
  2. German Whisper: Adjacent digits along the green line must have a difference of at least 5.
  3. Killer: Digits in a cage cannot repeat and must sum to the clue in the top left corner of the cage.
  4. Magic Square: Box 5 forms a 3x3 Magic Square
  5. Kropki: Cells separated by a white dot contains consecutive digits.


F-Puzzles or CTC

Solution code: Row 5 (left to right) plus Column 5 (topdown)

Solved by scushuaishuai, pepe74287, mcc, zuzanina, fuxia, jalebc, I_love_carrie273, Andrew K., dodomos, Jlrice2, ademjaz, Carpet11, Florian Wortmann, Xalothros, nunc, Enkerro, Julianl, cathematician, weiken, ... Thomster, ProcrastinationQueen, Bulkystapler, dingledork, radium, cornuto, moss, abihummel, jchan18, elpizw, Dez256, k2u5as, realhollie, sandmoppe, whtshername, snuuba, naggy, koiking, yasmim.nat
Full list


on 21. August 2023, 11:45 by gUBBLOR
I definitely don't agree with the 1 star difficulty rating for this

Last changed on 9. August 2023, 17:14

on 9. August 2023, 00:16 by LeaVulpina
Icke als Engländerin dank Dir! Dit war 'n richtig jutet Rätsel jewesen!
:-)) Thank you very much!

Last changed on 3. July 2023, 16:36

on 3. July 2023, 00:33 by Ragna
Best greetings to Berlin!
Bekanntlich immer eine Reise wert, dachte wohl auch ParaNox lt. seinem Kommentar.

Last changed on 3. July 2023, 16:34

on 2. July 2023, 22:59 by ParaNox
German Whispers sind wirklich eine meiner Lieblings-Varianten, danke also für das Rätsel. Amüsanterweise hab' ich's ausgerechnet im Zug nach Berlin entdeckt und mir damit prompt die Fahrtzeit vertrieben. :)
Das war ja mal 100% passend! :-D Und vlt. gefallen Dir auch meine anderen Mini-Map Puzzles der Bundesländer, alle mit German Whisper ...

Last changed on 2. July 2023, 19:32

on 2. July 2023, 09:18 by DarrenBurnett
A lovely puzzle. A nice quick break in and that a very nice flow throughout.
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

on 1. July 2023, 23:09 by MarthaB
Fun puzzle. Thank you!

Last changed on 1. July 2023, 14:25

on 1. July 2023, 14:05 by Florian Wortmann
Dit war magisch! Fand ick jut ;-)

Last changed on 1. July 2023, 12:59

on 1. July 2023, 11:17 by I_love_carrie273
I liked very much the initial logic allowing me to identify the high and the low digits along the German whisper :-)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. The world is hard enough at this time, so why not an easy puzzle in between. :-)

Rating:88 %
Solved:187 times
Observed:14 times

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