Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Berrie's Butterfly

(Published on 27. June 2023, 18:14 by pecha_berrie)

Hello fellow puzzlers! This is my second ever puzzle construction, inspired by the symmetry of Lepidoptera. It's full of palindromes and patterned clues, and coloring is welcome (though not necessary)!

Without further ado, here are the rules!:

- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- Digits increase from the bulb of a thermometer.

- Digits in killer cages sum to the small number in the corner, and may not repeat within cages.

- Digits separated by a black dot have a 1:2 ratio.

- Digits separated by a white dot have a difference of 1.

- Digits on a palindrome line read the same forward and backward.

- Circles represent an odd digit (This only applies to R2C4 and R4C2).

- Maximum rules: the digit in R4C4 is greater than the digits in its orthogonally surrounding cells.

Here you can solve the puzzle online:

Solve on f-puzzles

Solve on CTC app

Solution code: The solution code is all the digits, in order, without spaces, in R3 followed by R7 (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)

Solved by SKORP17, jalebc, chippers, Chelo, NeroChaos, cathematician, PinkNickels, AvonD, futoysl, by81996672, Banana, AzureFire, Notlob, bnoblett, nmmc123, davidjshort, dskaff, Onkel_Dagobert, Count Knersis, ... wilsig, bogdan2112, LehanLehan, chanelaw, creo, ArnulfKoch, Mr.CHEN, Uhu, TaeChi, rictech, abadx, BlackApolloX, trashghost, arteful, humaLautema, PippoForte, dingledork, strangelyinsane, finger
Full list


Last changed on 6. July 2023, 17:41

on 30. June 2023, 20:52 by pecha_berrie
@Noggin, the line starting from R4C4 is a thermo! it is colored because that's how the maximum clue looks, it's not a required even cell :)

on 29. June 2023, 08:55 by Noggin
I'm confused by R4 C4, is it the start of a thermo, Is it the start of a palindrome? Why is it fully coloured in like an even number cell?

on 28. June 2023, 07:47 by Onkel_Dagobert
I really enjoyed this puzzle. Logically and artistically pleasing. Thank you for sharing!

on 27. June 2023, 20:38 by PinkNickels
A little tricky at times, but not too bad. Fun one.

Rating:87 %
Solved:67 times
Observed:8 times

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