Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

LM-Übungsrätsel: Arukone-POM

(Published on 4. July 2023, 20:23 by CJK)

In preparation for this years german logic puzzle championship, I constructed a few puzzles which will be put online in the next few weeks.

Rules: For each letter, draw a snake going form one of the letters to the other. The snake cannot touch itself, but it can touch other snakes, but snakes cannot cross. For every grey region, at least one snake has to go through it. If two regions have the same shape (without rotating and reflecting), the snakes have to go through them in the same pattern.

Link for online solving

Solution code: Row 3 and second to last row: I for a straight line, L for a bending, X for an empty or clued cell.

Last changed on on 7. July 2023, 09:31

Solved by Jesper, Zzzyxas, jessica6, Dandelo, zuzanina, apiad, Kpn, misko, Statistica, r45, ropeko, ildiko, EKBM, lupo, uvo
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on 8. July 2023, 09:33 by Statistica
Gut, dass ich nochmal draufgeschaut habe. Der Ausdruck war schon drei Tage alt ;-)

on 7. July 2023, 09:31 by CJK
Uneindeutigkeit gefixt

Uniqueness issues fixed

on 4. July 2023, 22:26 by CJK
@jessica6: Das dürfen auch verschiedene Schlangen sein. Nur die Art, auf die Gebiete durchlaufen werden, muss gleich sein.

on 4. July 2023, 21:46 by jessica6
Es dürfen durch gleiche Gebiete aber auch verschiedene Schlangen laufen, oder muss es dieselbe sein?

Rating:91 %
Solved:15 times
Observed:8 times

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