-The red line is a parity line, adjacent digits on the line have a different parity.
-The orange line is a Dutch whispers line, adjacent digits have a difference of at least 4.
-The yellow line is a palindrome, digits read the same no matter what end you start.
-The green line is a German whispers line, digits have a difference of at least 5
-The blue line is sum line, digits on the line have the same sum in each box it crosses.
-The purple line is a renban, digits on the line are a set of nonrepeating consecutive digits.
-The confetti are consecutive kropki, the white dots connect consecutive digits.
My other puzzles:
Solution code: Row 3 followed by column 7 (18 digits)
on 19. August 2023, 06:03 by gUBBLOR
This is the best puzzle I've solved! It took a while before I found the break-in, but how the different variant rules worked together made for a fantastic experience!
on 2. July 2023, 23:15 by walaura
Ahhhh!! Took me and my gf a bit to find the break in but we DID IT. happy pride month!!!
A bit late but happy pride!
on 22. June 2023, 22:26 by Ragna
Fun puzzle! Very smooth solving and nice design. Thank you for sharing. :-))
Thank you! -l