Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 21. June 2023, 04:41 by mathpesto)

Here's a tatamibari-sudoku hybrid!


Normal sudoku rules apply. Adjacent digits on a green line differ by 5 or more.

Divide the grid into rectangular regions so that each region contains exactly one killer clue. Four regions cannot share the same corner. Digits may not repeat within a region and sum to the killer clue. The digit placed in a cell containing a killer clue gives information about that region:

1–4: The region has a greater width than height.

5: The region is a square.

6–9: The region has a greater height than width.

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Solution code: Column 2 (top to bottom, 9 digits, no spaces)

Solved by MicroStudy, Leaving Leaves, AnalyticalNinja , Steven R, Gryllulus, tuturitu, h5663454, efnenu, mihel111, Franjo, Bellsita, AvonD, Mr_tn, bansalsaab, Counterfeitly, Jesper, duyaa, zlotnleo, jkuo7, ... geronimo92, KNT, Christounet, Puzpensu, P12345, Uhu, JennaStella, dennischen, misko, jw119, michaal94, Bankey, karen_birgitta, PippoForte, SXH, trashghost, lmdemasi, StephenR, Mikemerin, bluebird
Full list


on 26. June 2024, 19:49 by StephenR
Good, thanks.

on 6. November 2023, 07:13 by Bankey
Fantastic puzzle. Thanks, @ mathpesto:).

on 5. July 2023, 23:28 by Christounet
Original puzzle, fun to solve. I don't think I used the 4-corners anywhere. Thanks :)

on 1. July 2023, 05:27 by halftime
This was challenging but satisfying at each step along the way. Lovely puzzle, thank you for sharing!

on 26. June 2023, 01:39 by Krokant
Quite the fun puzzle! :)

on 23. June 2023, 23:51 by Myxo
Wonderful hybrid!

on 23. June 2023, 16:58 by juhish
Wonderful! Thank you.

Last changed on 23. June 2023, 14:55

on 23. June 2023, 08:11 by madhupt
A quick clarification. Can there be cells which are not part of any region? Do ?s stand for any number or only single digit numbers? if the entire grid is covered by regions, then I think they are any numbers. In that case, wouldn’t * be a better notation?


Every cell belongs to exactly one region. "?" represents any number.

on 23. June 2023, 04:00 by wand
smooth and fun!

on 22. June 2023, 22:33 by DaniK
Wow! It was a super fun puzzle with an awesome flow. Thank you very much!

on 22. June 2023, 11:18 by Snookerfan
Excellent puzzle! It flowed really nicely and it was great fun! Thank you

on 21. June 2023, 22:30 by bansalsaab
Hi @Calvinball, no they dont have to be in top left.

Last changed on 22. June 2023, 00:24

on 21. June 2023, 21:49 by Calvinball
Quick rules clarification question, do killer clues have to appear in the top left cell of their cage?


They do not. -Math Pesto

Thanks! Sorry, I wasn't sure reading the rules at work, when I got home and started it that became apparent very quickly.

Last changed on 21. June 2023, 20:14

on 21. June 2023, 20:13 by bansalsaab
Beautiful puzzle. I didnt get to use the 4 corner constraint but probably somewhere it could have made life easier for me while solving.

on 21. June 2023, 15:22 by Franjo
Very interesting new hybrid. Enjoyed each single step on the solving path. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful puzzle!

on 21. June 2023, 14:36 by mihel111
Hard, but never boring. Great job mathpesto.

on 21. June 2023, 11:57 by AnalyticalNinja
Some very cool logic in this one. I was surprised by several clever deductions, and I enjoyed every second of it! Thanks for setting mathpesto!

Rating:97 %
Solved:87 times
Observed:14 times

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