Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 16. June 2023, 02:37 by Palfly Kampling)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive.

Within the grid is a single orthogonally connected region of 'flooded' cells.
Digits in flooded cells must all be less than N, where the value of N must be determined, and digits in any non-flooded cell orthogonally adjacent to a flooded cell must be greater than or equal to N.
Digits less than N may be non-flooded if they are separated from the main flooded region.
Circles are flooded and squares are non-flooded. The digit in a circle or square gives the total number of cells of the same type visible horizontally or vertically from that cell, including the cell itself (i.e. the number of cells visible in the two directions combined).
Flooded cells block the view of non-flooded cells, and vice versa.
All circles and squares are given.

Credits to Jay Dyer for coming up with the constraint, try the original puzzle here.

Solve on SudokuPad: CTC-App

Solution code: Row 4

Solved by Steven R, Miky, StefanSch, vitaminz, MavericksJD, mnasti2, Banana, DanishDynamite, Myxo, Raumplaner, Torvelo, CrippledLamp, OldCaptainWZJ, Chishiri, cmb, Silverbyte, koba1917, willdabeast29, AvonD, FlowJo, SKORP17, OGRussHood, soroush, samuel1997, shteev, DaleVandermeer, Nell Gwyn, Jodelbanane, jojo81gaming
Full list


on 24. June 2023, 06:11 by cmb
Just fun with a fluid solving path!

on 19. June 2023, 13:01 by Raumplaner
You should try and solve this puzzle. It's very cool and fun to explore.

on 17. June 2023, 01:38 by Myxo
Wonderfully fun twist on this ruleset!

on 16. June 2023, 22:54 by DanishDynamite
A wonderful puzzle.

Rating:92 %
Solved:29 times
Observed:13 times

Puzzle variant Shading puzzle

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