Sumwhere Around Here [Region Sum Lines, Pivots]
(Published on 13. June 2023, 00:28 by Malrog)
This is the second of my pivot sudokus where the clues are rotatable, thanks to chameleon's software. The first, Revolutionary, featured Arrows and Killer Cages, and now we have Region Sum Lines. I hope you enjoy it.
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Blue lines are region sum lines. If a line crosses region borders then they separate the line into segments with equal sums. Distinct segments within the same region are not summed together.
Purple dots are pivot points for constraint clues, which rotate clockwise around their pivot point through N steps of 90 degrees, where N is the value on the pivot.
Rotated clues may overlap but must not extend outside the grid.
Links (all have solution check)
Solve online
PuzzleTV interface note: You can use the rotation buttons below the number pad to rotate currently highlighted pivots, and the software will automatically orient the pivot when a digit is placed on it.
I don't recommend it, but, if you really want to solve this in other software you can do that here, just be aware that the clues won't rotate!
F-Puzzles / SudokuPad
Solution code: Row 1 (9 digits, no spaces)
Solved by ryagami, Palfly Kampling, chameleon, MonsieurTRISTE, by81996672, StefanSch, kublai, Chilly, Vodakhan , Manitary, Steven R, mnasti2, Krisonium, rich_27, Blake Saligia, Felis_Timon, SKORP17
Last changed on 11. October 2023, 02:23on 9. October 2023, 05:45 by mnasti2
Tough but impressive!
Thank you for the solve and your kind feedback! I really appreciate you spending time on my puzzles :)
on 14. June 2023, 18:39 by Chilly
Fun to solve!
Last changed on 13. June 2023, 11:18on 13. June 2023, 07:01 by MonsieurTRISTE
Now I see two lines...
Ah yes, it is a little tricky to spot, which is why I put borders on the lines, and you pretty quickly find out the situation when you start rotating the pivots. Well done for solving, thanks for checking out my puzzle. :)
on 13. June 2023, 06:07 by MonsieurTRISTE
Something seems wrong about the longest line, around its pivot in r7c4 however rotated.