Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Acropora (Chaos Construction)

(Published on 13. June 2023, 09:00 by Agent)

I wanted to create a Chaos Construction with coral-like clues. Finding ways to force the shapes of regions never gets old. I think there's a fair bit of interesting geometric arguments in this one, it shouldn't be that hard if you find the right ideas. Have fun solving!


  • Chaos Construction: Each row, each column and each region must contain the digits 1 to 9 once each. Regions are orthogonally connected and must be determined by the solver.

  • Clues outside the grid indicate the sum of digits in each contiguous segment of cells that belong to the same region in the respective row or column, in ascending order (not necessarily in the order of appearance). For a given row or column, either all clues or no clues are given.
Note that the same region can represent multiple clues in a row or column, as long as there's at least one cell in another region between.

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Solution code: Row 8 (from left to right) then column 9 (from top to bottom)

Last changed on on 14. June 2023, 23:06

Solved by Snookerfan, RJBlarmo, Piatato, Niverio, Myxo, fjam, ClashCode, killer_rectangle, Jesper, Chilly, jkuo7, Xendari, rmn, marcmees, Mr_tn, Vebby, PixelPlucker, KNT, misko, Jaych, Elliptical, URKR455, ... DVFrank, michaal94, Martijn314, kmoter, lerroyy, zzw, Puzpensu, starelev5, Sewerin, tess, wullemuus, SXH, dogfarts, Drewpacabra, ibag, AndreasS, Schachus, Zzzyxas, karlmortenlunna, StephenR, widjo
Full list


on 26. September 2024, 14:50 by StephenR
Another beauty from Agent, thanks. Interesting that the geometry was more of a factor than I was expecting and the precise values of the clues was less important.

on 6. December 2023, 18:40 by zzw
Incredible! So much nice logic packed into so few clues.

on 19. August 2023, 22:19 by MagnusJosefsson
Exceptional! Such a wonderful and satisfying puzzle to solve.

on 19. August 2023, 08:05 by Christounet
Fantastic solve ! Once I realized where I needed to look... which did not happen the first time I looked at the puzzle when it came out. Love the title too ! Thanks :)

on 5. August 2023, 11:52 by madhupt
Fantastic! Absolutely amazing puzzle!

Last changed on 24. July 2023, 17:27

on 24. July 2023, 13:13 by samuel1997
Absolutely amazing puzzle! I got stucked in the start for around 40+ minutes but once I have crystalized the concept, the puzzle just collapsed in around 30+ minutes.
And thank you very much for all the nice reply from Agent to my question on the ruleset. I enjoy it very much! Thank you.

on 2. July 2023, 05:42 by Agent
Thank you all, glad you had some fun with this puzzle!

on 16. June 2023, 14:38 by peacherwu2
Very fun solve, thank you!

on 16. June 2023, 04:15 by Elliptical
Excellent puzzle. For me it started fairly hard. But it got easier and easier as the solution progressed.

on 15. June 2023, 00:49 by KNT
really enjoyable and straightforward, thanks agent!

on 14. June 2023, 09:03 by marcmees
very nice. thanks

on 14. June 2023, 05:44 by Xendari
Really enjoyed this one- I struggled with ruleset implications at the start but it turned out to be really smooth and fun. Thanks :)

on 14. June 2023, 00:25 by Chilly
Top quality!

on 14. June 2023, 00:04 by Jesper
Truly wonderful!

on 13. June 2023, 14:26 by Myxo
Lovely puzzle!

on 13. June 2023, 13:35 by Niverio
Lots of fun :)

on 13. June 2023, 12:53 by Piatato
A true delight! Very intuitive and elegant ruleset, and a brilliant construction!

on 13. June 2023, 11:13 by RJBlarmo
Very fun and smooth! Not too difficult once you get started.

on 13. June 2023, 10:03 by Snookerfan
Very nice, interesting, fun and approachable! Thank you

Rating:98 %
Solved:82 times
Observed:11 times

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