Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 4. June 2023, 13:52 by Myxo)

A Sudoku with common variants, that is supposed to be simple, fun and approachable. Enjoy!


Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1-9 exactly once in each row, column and thick-outlined box.

Purple lines are Renban lines. Digits on Renban lines form a set of non-repeating consecutive digits in any order.

Green lines are German Whisper lines. Adjacent digits on German Whisper lines have a difference of at least 5.

Grey lines are palindromes. The sequence of digits on a palindrome reads the same forwards and backwards.


Solution code: Row 6

Last changed on on 12. August 2023, 12:28

Solved by MicroStudy, ClashCode, Mr_tn, Piatato, Bootenks, SKORP17, 85392, jalebc, AvonD, Julianl, dumediat, Franjo, Bjd, Crul, Notlob, ficko, Sinuit, Jesper, Snookerfan, by81996672, 111chrisi, Corey115, ... lerroyy, molver1234, URKR455, Christounet, Tacosian, ryanprobably, minaruseva, Playmaker6174, lmdemasi, PippoForte, ArnulfKoch, apendleton, Paletron, Mikemerin, snuuba, finger, widjo, gxorgx, koXx
Full list


on 7. November 2023, 09:24 by Playmaker6174
Awesome puzzle with plenty of fruitful interactions, and not too tricky of a solve either x)

on 7. November 2023, 07:36 by minaruseva
Very elegant. loved it

on 2. October 2023, 12:33 by Christounet
Lovely symmetry, with a subtle way of disambiguating left and right. The design is very cool too. Thanks :)

on 24. June 2023, 14:16 by Niverio
Simple, check. Fun, check. Approachable, check. Job well done :P

on 6. June 2023, 00:13 by Jesper
Fun puzzle, thanks!

on 5. June 2023, 01:47 by dumediat
Superb! Playing a really keen puzzle leaves us glad. :)

on 4. June 2023, 18:23 by Bootenks
Very esthetic puzzle with a lot of embedded fun.

on 4. June 2023, 17:29 by Piatato
Easy and fun. Elegant setting!

on 4. June 2023, 13:59 by MicroStudy
this puzzle made me wanna do sit-ups for some reason

Rating:97 %
Solved:67 times
Observed:18 times

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