Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Taking the Pi Road

(Published on 14. September 2023, 03:14 by BenTen)

I've kept this one on ice for a while (which is why the day counter on the CTC app is already at 90+ days!), but as it is exactly six months since "Pi day" I thought this was as good a time as any to release the puzzle.


Pi = 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 832795

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Kropki: Cells separated by a white dot are consecutive in value. Cells separated by a black dot must have a ratio 1:2. Not all dots are given.
  • Cells separated by an X sum to 10. Not all Xs are given.
  • On an orange line, adjacent digits must differ by at least pi.
  • There is a path in the grid that starts from the top-left cell (highlighted) and travels to adjacent cells (orthogonally and diagonally). The path will write out the digits of pi in order, as provided above (until the first occurrence of a zero). The path may not occupy the same cell twice, but it may cross itself. The path must not touch or cross an orange line.

  • f-puzzles link
    CTC app link

Solution code: Column 8

Last changed on -

Solved by tiuhto, Xalothros, tuturitu, tonald, Franjo, SKORP17, CaballeroOscuro, bansalsaab, gnilling, Skaev, pms_headache, AvonD, sanabas, DiMono, SirWoezel, meixia, flipout, PippoForte
Full list


Last changed on 15. September 2023, 13:42

on 15. September 2023, 03:09 by orsonwu840
If the path cannot touch orange line, does that mean r1c2, r2c2, r3c2, r4c2 etc can’t be the Pi path?

Hi orsonwu840. Cells adjacent to the orange line can contain the pi path, so the cells you mention are allowed.

Last changed on 14. September 2023, 23:15

on 14. September 2023, 15:29 by tonald
A very nice puzzle. Now I have remembered the first 33 digits of pi.

Thank you tonald. Even after all the testing, I still can't remember the first 33 digits. I do remember there are a lot of 3s!

Last changed on 14. September 2023, 23:07

on 14. September 2023, 09:32 by Xalothros
I really enjoyed this one. I used the digits of pi for a puzzle about a year ago, and it's an idea I'd like to see used more.

Thank you Xalothros.
Just went to see your puzzle and love the concept. Unfortunately I went wrong somewhere. I will have a second attempt another time.

Rating:82 %
Solved:18 times
Observed:10 times

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