Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sharing Economy

(Published on 3. June 2023, 09:58 by Blashyrkh)

Sharing Economy

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits along a thermometer increase from the bulb end.
  • Digits do not repeat along the indicated diagonal.

Play on f-puzzles

Play with CtC app

Solution code: row 5

Solved by Julianl, ademjaz, Greg, mihel111, Xalothros, Wetuts, giladooshlon, CHRosenthal, Snookerfan, SKORP17, jalebc, antiknight, Ye Nay Myo Han, asver, AvonD, Saeedm, galgamer, smckinley, pepu273, farodin64, ... jkl, Jdt112, PinkNickels, Criptonight, michaal94, P12345, lmdemasi, Across, pepe74287, Tacosian, Krokant, PippoForte, noodlehead, ocular, Clairitin, GoldenGod, arauwer, Vasefire, zrbakhtiar, forsen
Full list


on 20. August 2023, 14:34 by Criptonight
Leuk voor een warme zondag in Amsterdam

on 18. August 2023, 20:32 by PinkNickels
Really fun

on 8. June 2023, 06:54 by Chefofdeath
Now that's one smooth puzzle!! :)

on 8. June 2023, 04:18 by Agent

on 6. June 2023, 22:22 by dennischen
Wow, that was incredible.

on 5. June 2023, 19:41 by Phistomefel
Once again a wonderful puzzle! Thanks, Blashyrkh! :)

on 4. June 2023, 21:23 by galium_odoratum
One of the smoothest puzzles I solved in a while, awesome flow indeed!

on 4. June 2023, 13:09 by Florian Wortmann
Very good :-)

on 4. June 2023, 03:51 by damasosos92
Well constructed puzzle! Thank you! :)

on 3. June 2023, 22:22 by farodin64
With a good puzzle, one wonders at first how the clues are supposed to be sufficient for a solution. The same here, but you can get into the flow relatively quickly, right through to the end. Thanks for the fun.

on 3. June 2023, 17:48 by antiknight
Cool idea and execution in both versions!

on 3. June 2023, 16:09 by Snookerfan
Amazing! After the break-in very smooth. Thank you

on 3. June 2023, 14:24 by giladooshlon

on 3. June 2023, 12:08 by ademjaz
Very nice!

Rating:97 %
Solved:134 times
Observed:16 times

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