Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Momentum Killers

(Published on 28. May 2023, 09:45 by kieserel)


Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits in the cages cannot repeat and have to sum to the given total in the top left corner of the cage.

There are special slingshot cells hidden in the grid. Slingshots work as follows: it has a firing direction, a bullet, and a range. A range is given by the number N in the slingshot's cell. A bullet has to come from one of the orthogonally adjacent cells. A slingshot takes a bullet and fires it N cells in some direction, which cannot point to the cell with the bullet.

All cages are bulletproof with regard to special slingshot cells, i.e. a special slingshot cannot take a bullet from the killer cage nor can it fire a bullet to the killer cage. For example, if r4c8 was a special slingshot with a firing direction pointing South, then its value wouldn't be able to be greater than 3 (because the 10-sum killer cage prevents it from traveling any further).

There are 8 special slingshot cells in the grid with values ranging from 1 to 8. There are no two special slingshot cells with the same range. Two special slingshot cells cannot share the same row, column, or box.

There are no negative constraints, meaning that it is allowed to have slingshots other than special ones.

Link to f-puzzles

Link to sudokupad

Solution code: Type the first two rows of the sudoku without spaces

Last changed on on 29. May 2023, 15:25

Solved by Gryllulus, sanabas, pms_headache, SinceTrapped, zonka, mnasti2, Felis_Timon
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on 5. July 2023, 21:40 by mnasti2
Cool fun idea!

on 29. May 2023, 15:25 by kieserel
I fixed the description of the puzzle, the direction in the example should be South, not North. Sorry for confusion

on 29. May 2023, 11:30 by pms_headache
Excellent puzzle. Took me several restarts, but I finally got the logic right.

on 28. May 2023, 10:42 by kieserel
Added link to sudokupad

Solved:7 times
Observed:12 times

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