Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 28. May 2023, 18:00 by MmeMagique)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Each row, column and box must contain the digits 1-9 exactly once each.

Standard Nurikabe rules apply. The grid must be filled with 'shaded' and 'unshaded' cells. Each unshaded segment contains exactly one circle. The number in the circle represents the number of cells in that segment. Unshaded segments cannot touch orthogonally, but can touch diagonally. All shaded cells form one orthogonally connected region. No 2x2 area may be entirely shaded. Some shaded cells are given. An an example of standard nurikabe is shown below. (Doesn't include circles because it isn't also a sudoku puzzle, unlike this puzzle.)

The digit in the empty circle must be deduced. Note that the digit in box 8 is NOT in a circle. This digit is part of an unshaded segment.

Additionally, each unshaded segment must contain the digits 1-X exactly once each, with X being the digit in that segment's circle. Example: In a 4-cell unshaded segment, the digits in that segment must be 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Standard Kropki rules apply. A black dot separates digits in a 1:2 ratio. A white dot separates consecutive digits. Not all dots are given.

Little killer rules: The numbered arrow outside the grid indicates the sum of digits along the indicated diagonal.

Digits outside the grid indicate the number of unshaded cells in the corresponding row or column.



Solution code: Row 7 followed by column 6

Solved by Jacsn, jkuo7, Gab, lars, emmi123, madcyantist, EL3CTR1CK, Starlight, WvdWest, pmadhini, Franjo, RubberMittens, kiwi0710, starelev5, ZornsLemon, jhow25, Uskok, Kavman15, KyubiBoy, Roezaea, LeaVulpina, TheArkmaster, Dester, Dentones
Full list


on 19. January 2024, 06:39 by Roezaea
incredible rule set, tons of clever logic. took me ninety minutes. thanks for setting!

Rating:93 %
Solved:24 times
Observed:13 times

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