Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 25. May 2023, 15:49 by Myxo)

A combination of Nanro and Japanese Sums. I think this puzzle turned out nicely, and the ruleset has potential for more, potentially harder puzzles. Enjoy!


Shade some cells of the grid, such that all unshaded cells are orthogonally connected and no 2x2-area is fully unshaded. No thick-outlined region may be fully shaded.

Enter a number into each unshaded cell, equal to the total count of unshaded cells in its region. When two numbers are orthogonally adjacent across a region boundary, they must be different.

Clues outside the grid indicate the sums of contiguous segments of unshaded cells in that row or column. There must be at least one shaded cell seperating two segments. If a row or column has at least one given clue, all clues are given, and they are in the correct order.

?s stand for any digit 0-9, but double digit numbers may not start with a zero.

Mini Sumro (example puzzle):

Penpa+ - CtC-App

Sumro (main puzzle):

Penpa+ - CtC-App

Solution code: row 5, S for shaded cells

Last changed on on 12. August 2023, 12:26

Solved by Bellsita, KNT, Jesper, ClashCode, Mr_tn, JayForty, Gliperal, chameleon, Manitary, Statistica, h5663454, Uhu, Tom-dz, ascension, jkuo7, Christounet, Agent, Counterfeitly, wildbush7, cornuto, misko, lerroyy, kmoter, puzzler05, Snookerfan, Mikemerin, wisty, endagorion, MicroStudy, Tacosian, Paletron, widjo, TheZwierz, koXx
Full list


on 31. March 2024, 11:35 by Tacosian
Fantastic :)

on 17. March 2024, 06:53 by wisty
this is definitely my favorite jsums puzzle from you!! super cool, interesting deductions that are still relatively smooth. very synergistic and creative ruleset. clever ending! thanks :)

on 21. November 2023, 17:30 by Snookerfan
Beautiful! Thank you

on 30. August 2023, 08:57 by kmoter
i have only one word for this, wow!

on 12. August 2023, 12:26 by Myxo
added example puzzle

on 16. June 2023, 20:55 by Agent
Great fun and approachable puzzle, cool hybrid!

on 15. June 2023, 06:45 by Christounet
Superb puzzle ! I find it so cool how you used the shape of regions as actual clues here. Thanks :)

on 25. May 2023, 20:57 by ClashCode

on 25. May 2023, 18:05 by Jesper
Really lovely idea and implementation!

on 25. May 2023, 16:42 by KNT

Rating:99 %
Solved:34 times
Observed:6 times

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