Normal sudoku rules apply.
Clues inside the grid represent the digit that should go in that cell. Clues outside the grid represent the sum of the digits between the 1 and 9 in that row or column.
All clues are encrypted: Every digit within a clue has been replaced with either a ? or a letter. The letters A, B, C, and D are each an irrwisch, which represent a different digit every time they appear. Two-digit clues may not start with a 0, but one-digit clues may.
Solution code: Row 4, Row 9
on 19. August 2023, 21:16 by samuel1997
This is one of the best puzzle I have ever solved! I can't imagine how the setter can set the puzzle like this! Absolutely love it!
on 8. June 2023, 09:44 by Silverstep
Absolutely brilliant. 10/10 would play again. Looking forward to solving the other Irrwisch puzzles.
on 25. May 2023, 20:16 by kmoter
A puzzle indeed, thanks
on 24. May 2023, 15:05 by giladooshlon
It was difficult to find the right questions to ask but the logic flowed nicely once you do.
on 24. May 2023, 03:01 by ssaper
I found it very difficult to wrap my head around this one, especially at first. Excellent puzzle!
on 23. May 2023, 23:23 by Myxo
Amazing puzzle with way more deductions than there are clues.
on 22. May 2023, 21:14 by Vebby
Very nice! Great execution of the ruleset!
on 22. May 2023, 19:19 by Menthacaine
Awesome puzzle! Lovely time solving it.
on 22. May 2023, 14:25 by sanabas
Very interesting logic in there.