Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 11. May 2023, 05:11 by mathpesto)


Deconstructed Sudoku: There are nine, non-overlapping 3x3 boxes in the grid, the locations of which must be deduced by the solver. Each box contains the digits 1–9 once each. Among these sudoku cells, digits cannot repeat in the grid’s rows nor columns.

Fillomino: Divide the remaining cells in the grid into polyominoes so that no two polyominoes of the same size share an edge. Each fillomino cell contains a number equal to the size of its polyomino.

Cages and Dots: Numbers in a cage may not repeat and sum to the total, if given. Cells joined by a blue dot sum to a multiple of 5. Not all dots are necessarily given, and cells joined by a dot can contain the same number.


  • SudokuPad(If CtC is being glitchy, try turning off killer calculator)
  • Penpa+

Solution code: Numbers in Column 2 (top to bottom, no spaces)

Solved by MicroStudy, Leonard Hal, cdwg2000, Tom-dz, cornish-john, Bellsita, Bootenks, Gryllulus, KNT, Mr_tn, tuturitu, h5663454, ascension, polar, Manitary, Jesper, henrypijames, jkuo7, mike-smith, rmn, ... dogfarts, smartmagpie, MorganLeah, P12345, Counterfeitly, konklone, Niverio, soroush, twobear, dunder, Christounet, Uhu, Felis_Timon, StephenR, Canyun, Komeiji_Carey, Chefofdeath, Calvinball
Full list


on 30. April 2024, 13:26 by StephenR
What a construction, so intricately worked out. Over and over it is more constrained than one imagines which I took as pointers that I was on the right lines.

on 14. September 2023, 11:31 by Christounet
Wow wow wow !
Got stuck in the bottom right a little bit because I did not realize a very simple fact in that 25 cage...
This really motivates me to make more deconstruction/fillo puzzles too :)

on 24. August 2023, 14:24 by Niverio
Very nice puzzle, long and enjoyable!

on 5. June 2023, 03:07 by wand
brilliant! a long, satisfying solve

on 29. May 2023, 01:45 by dumediat
Your setting prowess continues to amaze me. Another phenomenal puzzle, thank you very much!

on 19. May 2023, 04:48 by zhall12570
Beautiful puzzle, as usual. I love these deconstruction/filomino puzzles so much.

on 17. May 2023, 14:48 by gfoot
Beautiful, I love the way it flows and the way different rules apply in different areas

on 13. May 2023, 20:49 by JayForty
Great fun! Really smooth and not too difficult. Thanks!

on 12. May 2023, 22:25 by Agent
Very fun puzzle!

on 12. May 2023, 12:26 by Xavi 17
One of my favourite Puzzles so far! Great work!

on 12. May 2023, 10:42 by ddx01
This puzzle is so neat, I'm happy I got to solve it twice. Once for the testing version, and second for the final one. Many thanks!

on 11. May 2023, 12:13 by cornish-john
Beatiful logic throughout, had so much fun solving:)

on 11. May 2023, 09:07 by Leonard Hal
Although it is a very large puzzle, it is not difficult and the process is very smooth. Very nice!

on 11. May 2023, 06:46 by MicroStudy
such a hefty boi this one

Rating:97 %
Solved:65 times
Observed:13 times

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