Squeezed in the dark
(Published on 10. May 2023, 01:33 by simoons)
CTC puzzle link
Place a number in every cell of the grid such that:
- The outlined 9x9 subgrid forms a valid standard sudoku;
- Disregarding the interior 7x7 area of the sudoku subgrid, the rest of the grid (including the 1-cell wide perimeter of the sudoku grid) forms a valid fillomino. [Standard fillomino rules are as follows: a) Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally-connected cells and enter into each cell the size of its region; b) No two regions of the same size may share an edge.];
- Two digits separated by a white dot have a difference of one. All such white dots are given.
This is a fog-of-war puzzle: most cells are initially covered in fog, and placing correct digits will clear the fog around those digits.
This puzzle was inspired by "Chaos FilloSudokumino" by Magnus Josefsson (Cracking The Cryptic)
Solution code: Middle box of the sudoku grid (e.g. 123456789)
Solved by arteful, TopAutism, Bankey, SKORP17, Briks, Ood, ridesdragons, saskia-daniela, OhHeyGuysItsMax, PippoForte, MagnusJosefsson, dogfarts, Jodelbanane
Last changed on 2. June 2024, 03:09on 20. May 2024, 17:42 by MagnusJosefsson
Very nice and interesting twist, I enjoyed it!
Happy to read you enjoyed it !
Thank *you* for inspiring me with your puzzle in the first place :D
Last changed on 16. May 2023, 10:37on 10. May 2023, 14:24 by Bankey
That was fun. Clever break-in. Thanks, @ simoons :)
simoons: Happy you enjoyed it, thanks for the comment!