Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Loop With A Difference

(Published on 5. May 2023, 00:09 by Scruffamudda)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

The solver must draw a single loop which travels along the grid lines but not on the outer perimeter. The loop must not branch or touch itself.

A digit in a blue cell shows the number of that cell's corners (grey dots) which touch the loop.

Pairs of digits separated by the loop have a difference of 1.

Playable 6x6 example puzzle here - solution shown below.

Solve the 9x9 on SudokuPad here


Solution code: row 9

Solved by bigger, Onyx, StephenEsven, tiuhto, greyden, Banana, SKORP17, Carnate, jkuo7, SSG, Beethoven3, Tulrak, wand, nephry, madhupt, jkar, Jesper, MaizeGator, ShadowTheAge, topoi, mms112, MrQubo, fjam, ... OldCaptainWZJ, bramhaag, djarl, seaweed, Puzpensu, Uhu, Mikemerin, damasosos92, michaal94, TigerZG, mezkur7, PippoForte, karen_birgitta, The1Lenny, sacklunch, johnyzzh, Felis_Timon, MicaelaC
Full list


on 31. January 2024, 00:55 by sacklunch
Such a beautiful puzzle! Tough, but there's a logical solve path throughout, and I never got stuck for too long.

on 2. August 2023, 03:20 by damasosos92
Really brilliant!

on 12. May 2023, 21:07 by Klausku
Brilliant idea. I couldn‘t believe that the high digits would solve uniquely, but they did. Thanks

on 10. May 2023, 20:24 by Fuuryuu
Lovely puzzle, loved solving it.

Last changed on 5. May 2023, 23:30

on 5. May 2023, 12:48 by StephenEsven
Absolutely a joy to solve. It was a bit harder for me than a 3, but I was solving at 1 AM, while tired.

The loop and difference rule was very interesting. I found myself constantly wondering how is this going to solve. And then I spottet a bit of logic that progressed the solve. And that just kept repeating

on 5. May 2023, 00:53 by Silverscree
Just solved the 6x6 and it brought me back to my slitherlink days! I'll save the main puzzle for later. I was never good at the corner-counting variant of slitherlink though, so we'll see how I go!

Rating:96 %
Solved:50 times
Observed:13 times

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