Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Infinity Loop

(Published on 1. May 2023, 16:36 by Raumplaner)

This was the first ever puzzle made for the Infinity Loop variant. Phistomefel pointed me towards immis infinity puzzle as we talked about puzzle concepts that could benefit from an interactive solver UI. So I developed a ruleset that would work with digits in a sudoku-like puzzle variant. With the help of Chameleon the concept was further developed within Sudoku Skunkworks. Many thanks to all people involved!

There are already several puzzles published on LMD with the Infinity Loop variant:

Intro 1 by Chameleon (very easy) - with additional examples for the ruleset.

Intro 2 by Chameleon (very easy)

Mister Fantastic by Chameleon (average difficulty)

Cornerstones by wisty (hard)


Infinity Loop rules apply:

- The puzzle consists of a series of four rings, placed in such a way that each ring has one adjacent neighbor ring on the inside and on the outside.

- Place the digits 1-6 in such a way that no digit is repeated in a row, column, or quadrant of any two adjacent rings.

- The larger cells on the outside are part of both rows/columns of the inner ring if they are adjacent to a cell of the inner ring.

- A quadrant consists of three cells that form a corner of the outer ring with the adjacent cells of the inner ring (six cells in total).

- All rings form a loop, i.e. the outermost ring connects to the innermost ring.

- Kropki pairs: Digits in cells connected by a white dot are consecutive. Digits in cells connected by a black dot have a 2:1 ratio. Not all possible dots are necessarily given - there is no negative constraint.

For online solvers: you can navigate through the layers of rings by zooming in (+) or out (-).

Play the puzzle on PuzzleTV (check setting options for your prefered layout how the rings are shown)

Solution code: Digits of the first and the last columns of the outermost ring (8 digits, no spaces). If solving online, the circles in the middle of the grid indicate what is the current ring: click on the leftmost circle to reset the grid to the initial position (which is relevant for the solution code)

Last changed on on 2. May 2023, 13:40

Solved by Ximota, h5663454, TinkerTroy, Wolwo, Margrietina, chameleon, LehanLehan, kublai, Raistlen, Stargazing Albatross, Onyx, hannahh, wisty, Dermerlin, metacom, Dandelo, zlotnleo, zrbakhtiar, ... k2u5as, johnreid, Dez256, GutsySandwich, garycblack, naggy, koiking, DylanRay, hirassy, jimmyg, xtmacxattack, Jensa, sujoyku, aqefwf, Pseud0bread, varbrad, tez, sandbo00, MetaceR, jsxft
Full list


on 9. October 2024, 17:51 by Jensa
Certainly took a little time to wrap my head around this puzzle, but wow! Very ingenious.

on 10. August 2024, 04:40 by garycblack
Wow. Impressive concept and execution.

on 29. April 2024, 13:52 by mixus minimax
There is a specific rule that arises from the existing ones, and once you figure that out, the puzzle is basically done! Very satisfying. A good introduction to a format I have not seen before.

Hint: How many distinct digits can be present in a column/row of boxes? (a C-Shape of 6 cells)

on 15. May 2023, 10:32 by Playmaker6174
Lots of fun! I may try other ones with this concept soon :)

on 15. May 2023, 10:23 by Nalinchen
Deserves 110% approval rating! Such a fun idea and joy to solve :)

on 13. May 2023, 09:42 by Phistomefel
Sehr schöne Einführung! Danke, Johannes! :)

on 9. May 2023, 18:33 by wentel21
First time try this kind of sudoku,absolutely lovely<3 Thx

on 4. May 2023, 05:56 by Mangochicken
The grid was very daunting at first, but this ends up solving very nicely, once you get the rules down. Good job!

on 3. May 2023, 09:48 by Montikulum
Wow. Very cool variation I was not aware of until now.

Last changed on 2. May 2023, 13:44

on 2. May 2023, 13:40 by Raumplaner
Changed the solution code to something more sensible (thanks Dandelo)

Last changed on 2. May 2023, 13:53

on 1. May 2023, 18:37 by TinkerTroy
Fun stuff for sure! I've seen you guys playing with these things, but haven't yet had the opportunity to work one myself.
I would love to see more puzzles with this variant. Details for setters are available on the PuzzleTV homepage. (Raumplaner)

Rating:95 %
Solved:238 times
Observed:14 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Irregular grid Wraparound

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