Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hybrid Star Battle Bonus (B) - Pseudo-ku

(Published on 30. April 2023, 15:48 by BenceJoful)


For this Hybrid Star Battle Series I will be sharing a new puzzle each week combining Star Battle with another puzzle genre. This week's genre is Sudoku. Wait a minute...

This week's puzzle is taking a little longer than usual to marinate, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to share a couple of pseudo-kus from a while ago. These 9x9 star battle variants may look like a sudoku at first glance, but in reality the constraint is inspired by Shimaguni. In any case, hope you enjoy!


Standard Star Battle rules apply, plus an extra cage rule.

  • Star Battle: Place 2 stars in each row, column, and region. Stars may not touch each other orthogonally or diagonally.
  • Variant: Adjacent cages contain different numbers of stars. (E.g. if a cage contains 1 star, each cage which shares a border with it must contain 0, 2, 3, etc.)


Solve on Penpa+

2-star Example (Penpa+ link):

Solution code: For each row, give the number of empty cells to the left of the first star. In the example, the code is 405162031.

Solved by Zzzyxas, StefanSch, szabog, Kallor, jkuo7, polar, Jesper, cegie, jessica6, ascension, hopppe, Mark Sweep, rubbeng, Raistlen, Jordan Timm, marcmees, CJK, saskia-daniela, Grausbert, CHalb, Uhu, ManuH, RubberMittens, Gliperal, horanayru, Xavi 17, starelev5, ffricke, puzzler05
Full list


on 1. May 2023, 06:37 by BenceJoful
@szabog, thanks! I like both of these puzzles and wasn't sure which to use as the "example"- I'm secretly hoping people will enjoy both ;-)

on 30. April 2023, 22:00 by szabog
Interesting rules, I solved the puzzle even faster than the example :) Thank you.

Rating:83 %
Solved:29 times
Observed:4 times

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