When put together properly, an upright picture will be formed in a 9x9 grid. Irregular sudoku rules will apply!
JSS Rules for each region:
Each region consists of the digits from 1-9 once each. The squares outside the grid indicate the order of runs of contiguous cells found in that row or column that must be shaded the color of the clue. The number in the clue indicates the sum of the cells in the run. There must be at least one unshaded cell between runs of the same color, though there is no need between runs of differing colors. All runs are given.
Jigsaw rules: Pieces may be rotated or moved as needed to make the final 9x9 square picture. Use + / - to zoom in and out.
PuzzleTV (puzzle without extra blank grid)
PuzzleTV (puzzle with blank grid to move pieces onto)
Special thanks to Chameleon for this incredible solving platform!
Solution code: Row 1, Column 9 of the finished grid.
on 6. May 2023, 09:23 by Nalinchen
Absolutely sold on this jigsaw jss variant! What a brilliant puzzle
on 1. May 2023, 13:33 by Raumplaner
A brilliant puzzle on sooo many levels! Had tons of fun while solving. Many thanks.