Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Boulder (Fillomino/Heyawake)

(Published on 29. April 2023, 16:15 by mathpesto)

This puzzle is inspired by zetamath’s “Denver”, so please be sure to check that out too!


Fillomino: Divide the grid into polyominoes so that no two polyominoes of the same size share an edge. Each cell contains a number equal to the size of its polyomino.

Heyawake: Shade some cells so that shaded cells are not orthogonally adjacent. The remaining unshaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. A line of consecutive unshaded cells may not cross more than one polyomino region border.

Arrows: The number in a cell containing an arrow gives the number of shaded cells in the polyomino that the arrow is directly pointing to.


Solution code: Numbers in Column 1 (top to bottom, no spaces)

Last changed on on 4. May 2023, 15:45

Solved by Mr_tn, KNT, Jaych, MicroStudy, Jesper, jkuo7, Agent, Bellsita, tuturitu, Chefofdeath, twobear, Bootenks, Xendari, Carnate, wand, relimation, ddx01, CrippledLamp, zhall12570, bernhard, ManicVolcanic, ... Vebby, Jodelbanane, apothycus, Euclid, ns08, sth, MaizeGator, dogfarts, nottabird, zhantyzgz, Jay, Counterfeitly, h5663454, Tom-dz, PippoForte, MountBecton, Uhu, mdjvz, Calesch, TheZwierz, Samish
Full list


on 24. May 2024, 17:22 by mdjvz
Very nice puzzle

on 7. May 2023, 23:07 by Christounet
I had to restart once because of a miscount that made me take a wrong decision at a specific crossroad. Heyawake messes with my brain, but it was very nicely embroidered with the fillomino here ! Thanks !

on 4. May 2023, 15:45 by mathpesto
Removed unnecessary arrow (doesn't affect solve path)

on 4. May 2023, 06:50 by TJReds
Not a big fan of Heyawake so this puzzle was a bit tougher for me, but it was beautifully constructed!

on 30. April 2023, 15:48 by Bootenks
What a piece of art. Simply a must-have solve puzzle.

on 30. April 2023, 10:23 by twobear
Very fun and smooth. Thank you!

on 30. April 2023, 07:05 by Chefofdeath
That was a beautiful puzzle! Thank you for sharing!

on 30. April 2023, 06:20 by KNT
@twobear: the line may not be diagonal

on 30. April 2023, 05:49 by twobear
Clarification question: in the Heyawake rule, “ A line of consecutive unshaded cells may not cross more than one polyomino region border”; here, is the line horizontal/vertical, or can it be diagonal?

on 29. April 2023, 21:44 by Jesper
Very nice combo, thanks

on 29. April 2023, 18:23 by KNT
Super fun and flowy after that hiccup with the rules :)

thanks for this one!

on 29. April 2023, 17:52 by KNT
@mathpesto @h5663454. Thanks! Totally understand now. I misinterpreted the rule as

"A number in a cell with an arrow indicates the number of shaded cells in the direction of that arrow contained within the same region as that arrow."

on 29. April 2023, 17:38 by h5663454

Let me think about it, maybe what he meant to express is this:
Also take R2C2 as an example, the arrow in this cell points to a polyomino of unknown size, and this polyomino contains several shaded cells. And the number in R2C2 is the number of shaded cells in this polyomino.

Last changed on 29. April 2023, 17:45

on 29. April 2023, 17:04 by KNT
I do not understand the rule for the arrows at all, nor can I even figure out a sensible way to interpret them.

Take R2C2: this arrow may only point to at most one cell (R1C1), or two if directly pointing can include itself, which doesn't make sense, so R2C2 is a 1 or 2. But these shaded cells must be "in" the polyomino per the rules, and in neither case 1 or 2, the shaded cells that the arrow is referencing would be in the region containing the arrow. What am i missing?


The arrow in R2C2 is pointing directly to R1C1, so if R2C2 is part of a four-cell polyomino, for example, then R1C1 is part of a polyomino containing 4 shaded cells. Hope that clarifies! -Math Pesto

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