Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Jigsaw Sudoku

(Published on 25. April 2023, 01:35 by Scojo)

This puzzle was originally set in April 2023 for the Cracking the Cryptic Discord's monthly prompt of "Mrs Bussell's Puzzling Pieces."

Step 1:

Assemble the jigsaw puzzle so that it forms a 9x9 sudoku grid that obeys normal sudoku rules. No rotation of pieces is required. Note: The pieces do not fit together perfectly. All that matters is that a male edge touches a female edge.

Step 2:

When all jigsaw pieces are placed, replace the X's in the following url with all given digits from the puzzle, reading left to right, top to bottom: https://tinyurl.com/Jigsaw-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Step 3:

The correct link will take you to the CTC software to solve the puzzle.

Tip for solving: When solving the jigsaw part of this puzzle, I recommend either downloading the psd file here so you can physically move the pieces around in photoshop, or using a blank grid to fit everything together.

Rules for the sudoku:
  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • For any connection between two pieces, the cell with the larger digit has the male (outie) connector. In other words, the opening for any C shape faces the larger digit.

Solution code: Row 5 of the completed sudoku

Solved by MonsieurTRISTE, ThibautV, Knickolas, ldndiepp, 28righthand, zlotnleo, scottgarner, TerrierDarts, Rollo, Drawoon, TJReds, peter urhegyi, zrbakhtiar, geronimo92, PeterRed, Felis_Timon, lmdemasi, karlmortenlunna
Full list


on 9. May 2023, 21:42 by Rollo
Eine sehr schöne Idee! Ich habe kein Grafikprogramm benutzt und es einfach mit einem Stift auf ein Blatt Papier gemalt, ging prima.

on 2. May 2023, 21:13 by TerrierDarts
Very nice puzzle, the logic messed with my head but very nice Thank You

on 2. May 2023, 21:13 by TerrierDarts
Very nice puzzle, the logic messed with my head but very nice Thank You

on 26. April 2023, 10:53 by 28righthand
Nice puzzle and I could use GIMP (Opensource and free) to open the photoshop file. Thanks

on 25. April 2023, 15:33 by Knickolas
Fun idea! Would love to see a harder version of the jigsaw section that requires some interaction with sudoku to solve. Thanks for the set :)

Rating:83 %
Solved:18 times
Observed:13 times

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